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Third person's pov

As usual, Yoongi was walking back to Namjoon's office from the pack house. He went to the head quarters earlier to get some files but lost hold of time as he was playing with the kids in pack house during his return.

Yoongi loved playing with kids. He loved kids but he was just not ready for his own.

Knocking twice, Yoongi went inside Namjoon's office to drop the files on the lead Alpha's table, only to be met with a spaced out Namjoon.

He tapped on the younger's shoulder slowly, not to alarm the male. Namjoon just stared at Yoongi before giving him a half hearted smile and turning back to stare at the door, deep in thoughts.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi pulled a chair from the other side of the table and sat himself next to the distressed Alpha.

"Lately, I can't smell Jin's scent. Like, even if he's close to me, I'm unable to pick his scent. It's like its gone" Namjoon said, worry laced in his voice. 

"His scent is gone?" he asked for confirmation to which the younger nodded, running his hand through his purple locks. "Joon-ah, um.. by any chance... have you ever thought.. Jin is not a human? I mean, like, he's just someone like us...?" the elder spoke hesitantly. He just didn't want piss off Namjoon.

"He's not, hyung." the Alpha said confidently.

"He's not?"

"Yes, he's not a human. I just don't know what he is. And, he's hiding a lot from us" the purple haired male shrugged.

"What is he?" the elder asked, curiosity filling his mind as he moved a little closer to Namjoon.

"Don't know" the younger shrugged.

"How do you know?" the grey haired male raised a brow in suspicion.

"My wolf. We spoke and he keeps insisting" the younger shrugged again, heaving a heavy sigh.

"Woah.." the elder said, baffled. When the Alpha turned to look at his hyung he was met with a smirking Yoongi.

"Not agai--"

"How much whipped are you?" he laughed "Now listening to your wolf, huh?" He teased.

"Hyung!!" the younger whined, stomping his feet.

"No wonder your mate knows a lot about werewolves" he sighed "But what might he be..?" the beta scratched his chin, thinking.

"If you are that curious, go ask him yourself" the younger laughed. But, what he didn't expect was Yoongi getting from the chair, rushed and walking towards the door mumbling "You're a genius" and left. Leaving Namjoon baffled.


"Jinnnnnn" Yoongi yelled, running in the corridors, Only to get smacked in the back of his head

"That's hyung to you" the elder grumbled.

"Aish! You could've just said that" the younger whined.

"What is it Yoongi boongi~" the elder smiled, tauntingly.

"You wanna die?" the both started running around, laughter and giggles filling the air feat Jin's windshield wiper laugh.

"But, why were you searching for me!?" the elder yelled, still running with a Yoongi behind him.

"oh right!!" Yoongi halted in step, breathing heavily. Soon, Jin followed suit, halting in his steps and breathing heavily, smile not leaving his lips until,

"This is... Um.... Important, hyung" the Beta hesitated. "It's not like it concerns me, it's just.. Um I'm being curious? Yeah, you can say that. I don't mean to hurt you or offend you, it's just I just wanna kno---"

"You're rambling" the elder stated. A look of amusement visible on his beautiful facial features "What's it Yoongi boongi?"

"I have a few questions.." the younger hesitated.

"Ask them" both of them stood in the middle of the living room now.

"How old are you?" he asked.


"23 and you're still in high school!? What the fuck!" the younger yelled.

"That's because I had to skip a few years of education, so I'm retaking classes" elder spoke confused.

"oh" Yoongi said, still his main question lingering in his head.

"Now, let's get to the real question, shall we?" Jin asked, surprising the younger.

"H-How do you know!?" Yoongi's eyes widened in shock.

"Hyung, wha----" he couldn't complete his question as Jin's face scrunched in pain, his body shivering and beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

"Hyung, are you alright!!?" Yoongi panicked. The sight in front of him was not a really pleasant one. His elder brother like person was doubling over in pain and he didn't know what's wrong.

The only thing he got in response as he reached out for the elder was, his hands getting swatted and the elder running.

Jin pushed Yoongi and turned around, running to wherever his legs were taking him, with Yoongi running behind him; concerned.

Soon enough, the elder entered one of the random rooms in the mansion and locked himself. Yoongi, cluelessly, was knocking on the door.

He kept calling Jin and knocking the door until he heard an agonizing scream from inside. He swore his ears felt like it was being ripped out.

Though, he was panicking, he knew what to do.

"One of you get the spare key to this room and you" he pointed to the guards who came running when they heard screams "Go get Namjoon and the others" he ordered.

"Hyung, please open the door" he knocked on the door again, pleading.

Soon, Namjoon and the others came running.

"What's wrong!?" Namjoon yelled only to be replied with another agonizing scream from the room "Jin!" He cried. "Break this fucking door" He growled and moved to break the door only to have stopped by Yoongi.

"Sensed you'll do this" he said calmly "Stupid" he mumbled as the guard came with a spare key.

Everyone didn't know what was happening. Worry visible in all of their features. Namjoon's eyes filled with tears, ready to spill them any moment. All they heard from the other side was heart wrenching screams from the elder. The screams itself were painful to hear.

Jungkook on the other hand started crying already, panicking. He can't afford to lose his only hyung too, can he? Hoseok hugged the beta closer to him, rubbing soothing circles on his back. Comforting the crying younger.

As soon as the door opened, the sight in front of them, left all of the boys shocked. Jaws hanging open.

From the screams they didn't expect to see this. No one expected their hyung to be like that.

"Hyung" Jungkook whispered, but he knew he wouldn't get a reply.

Maybe, maybe Yoongi and Namjoon got their answers finally.

But, it was disappointing.

Namjoon, now had to let go of his love.

Why? Namjoon thought, as his heart shattered inside

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