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Seokjin's pov

Sensing the heavy tension, the three other kids who came to have breakfast left too, smiling apologetically. I made food for myself and ate all the food myself.

I don't care.

Once I completed the breakfast, I sat on the dining area without bothering to get up and wash the dishes--for a while. I sat there replaying the scenes from morning again and again and yet only breakfast was done, I've got lunch and dinner time to put up with all the annoying men in this house. Not that they try to talk me and all but its still annoying. 

I mean, won't you feel super annoyed when random men abduct you but don't tell you the reason but still tries to flirt with you one moment and avoids you like crap the other moment and in the end they never wanted you in the house.

Crazy, isn't it!?

Should I just go confront one of them? 

As I was contemplating to myself I heard footsteps, they were a little far from where I was. Thanks to Super hearing skills. And I thought about telling ya'll a secret, My secret. I thought I would reveal today. So- 

The footsteps were nearing me. It was that Ho kid from morning. No, I was not swearing It's his name, Hoseok.

That kid was annoying and clingy, which I hate. But, that doesn't mean I can be rude to him when his face was bandaged everywhere. Getting up from the dining area I slowly went inside the kitchen following him with the dishes in my hand. I'll tell you my story later sometime after I talk to that bruised kid.

"Y-Y..You Okay?" I mentally facepalmed myself for stuttering.

"I'm good" he smiled brightly.

"Fine" I returned the smile and walked towards the sink to wash the dishes while he was searching for something inside the fridge. "Uh.. You searchin' for something?" I asked him.

"Just some leftovers to eat. Hungry" he smiled again. 

"Wait here I'll make you food to eat"

"It's okay. You don't have to" he protested.

"I insist. Just shut and sit" I said in a little authoritative tone. Don't mistake me he just pulled my mother instincts out. 

"O-Okay" he smiled and stood near me and watched me cook.

It really was awkward. 

The air between us screamed AWKWARD.

"Joon said we can be friends" he spoke, finally, breaking the awkward silence and tension.

"Huh? What!?" I asked, maybe exclaimed a little.

"He said we can be friends!! I know, right!? You're-" 

"Who the fuck does he think he is?" I asked anger boiling up. I was sorry when I chopped while he was talking but What the hell?

"What?" he asked confusion clearly plastered on his face.

"Who is he to permit you? I'll be friends with whoever I want!! Who is he to boss around me!?" I shouted because of the frustration.

"Y-You don't want to...to be friends with me?" he asked his eyes a little glossy. I didn't mean it that way, my intentions were not to hurt him. I of course hate the idea of friends because of my insecurities but that doesn't mean I'm one of the jerks to act rude around people.

"I didn't say that." I said in a stern voice.

"Then why are you angry?" he asked pouting a little.

If not for the cute face I would've smacked him with a frying pan already. I mean, which part of all the above didn't he understand?

I started walking towards the dining area with his food in my hand, he followed me and took a seat. I placed the simple toast and fried eggs in front of him and sat next to him. 

"Why should you be permitted by that jerk to be friends with me!? If you want to be my friend ask me! not that jerk" I said in a low voice but to show him I was frustrated and angry.

"Why not? You'll be married soon... So what's wrong asking him?" he said munching the food.


"What!?" I yelled, literally.

"He didn't tell you yet?" he asked furrowing his brows.

"Why would I marry that black haired jerk!?" I was beyond angry. The emotions inside me didn't have a name anymore.

"Not my place to tell you" he got up from the place with the empty plates.

Was he starving for years?

He put the empty plates in the sink and walked out.

"Thanks for the food and its really daring of you to call him a Jerk out loud in his place" he smiled and went upstairs.

What the- I was speaking!

"Ahem..." I heard someone clear their throat pulling me out of my trance. I turned around to see the most expected and wanted face standing in front of.

You're done. 

I just glared at him without speaking a word.

"Can I get some coffee?" he asked in a low soft voice. For reasons unknown I couldn't deny so I nodded at him and lifted myself from the seat. "Sugar" I looked at him confused  "Don't add too much sugar" he said and walked towards the staircase and stood there as if he was wanting to say something.

"Just spit it" I said in a louder voice which startled him. I turned my back on him and rushed to the kitchen.

"We gotta talk Seokjin. I have to tell you something important" he said, his voice unwavering.

"Finally" I huffed smirking and walked away to the kitchen. 

Mentally cursing myself for agreeing to get the coffee I made two coffees. One for him and the other one for me. Just in case if I wanted to throw something on his face hot coffee would do, right?

Placing the two cups in a small tray I went upstairs. Front of me was the room door, the door led to his--now our--room. I slowly turned the knob smirking.

You're dead today.


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