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Third person's pov

Behind the pillar was standing a sneaky omega who was stealing glances at his Beta talking with someone. Saying that the Omega was more than annoyed should be an understanding. The red haired male honestly didn't plan on eavesdropping the grey head's conversation but whom did 'Curiosity' leave?

The red haired male, after getting so bored, decided to tour inside the mansion and find someone to talk with but he never expected to see his mate talking, more of smiling and giggling, to someone he hated with every fiber of his body. He was fuming with anger and jealousy and that's why the red head is here at the moment, hiding behind a big ass pillar and throwing burning glares at his mate and the other male, who didn't even acknowledge the Omega's existence in the same room.

Heaving a heavy sigh for the umpteenth time Hoseok walked away from the pillar towards his bedroom that was shared with his husband. Everyone in the mansion knew with how much passion he hated that one guard, even Yoongi. But, Yoongi was speaking, no scratch that, was giggling with that guard? Of course this was enough to make the little Omega angry, more of sad.

The Omega who was cuddling with the duvets whilst crying heard the door knob to their room open. Without even telling he knew who was there, So the redhead didn't even bother to turn around and welcome his mate. Hoseok for sure knew Yoongi loved him more than anyone could think of, the male will even bet his life that Yoongi loves him and him only.... but that didn't help when all of his insecurities just resurfaced.

"Hobi ah~" Yoongi singsonged with so much love. He loved how the latter's name rolled off his tongue so smoothly and he very much adored the fact that Hoseok was all his. To Yoongi, Hoseok was more than his mate. Hoseok was Yoongi's everything, his love, his mate, his joy and his energizer. Without him Yoongi would've worn out. Yoongi couldn't be more glad when he came to know that his long lost first love and only love was his mate. 

"Min Hoseok~" he called again. Just loving how Hoseok was a Min, his husband. "What's wrong? Are you not keeping well, love?" Yoongi asked concern laced in his voice as the latter didn't respond. 

"No," the crying man answered and wiped his tears in an instant so his husband won't doubt or know that he was crying all the time. "I'm good. Why?" he slowly looked over his slumped shoulder to see his mate leaning on the doorway.

"Dinner... If you're feeling sick take rest, I'll bring the food" the Beta offered with a small pout.

"You go first, I'll join you in a few minutes?" the redhead asked without bothering to turn around and face his mate.

"Okay" with that the grey haired male walked away to the dining area.

Being the man of his words, Hoseok got up from the bed and walked to the washroom to wash his tear stained face, leaving the bed sheets crumpled. He didn't want anyone, to be precise his mate, to know that he had been crying over something which is nothing. Nothing at least to Min Yoongi.

Everyone might wonder why someone, a fragile being, like Hoseok hates or loath that one particular guard with every fiber of his body. The guard has always had his eyes on Yoongi and tried to seduce the grey haired male which he miserably failed because everyone in the universe knew that Yoongi wouldn't even spare a second glance if that person was not Jung Hoseok, or should I say Min Hoseok? But who was Hoseok to go against his insecurities?

The red headed omega took his time to walk to the dining hall and sat next to his new friend Kim Seokjin, without sparing a glance at his mate who was sitting on the opposite side with an empty chair next to him which the omega decided to give a miss.

Worried was not even the correct word to what Yoongi was feeling. He thought Hoseok sat with Seokjin because they were friends now and that boy was lonely but he didn't know why the younger avoided him the whole dinner. The younger, who was a living sunshine, didn't laugh or even utter a single word to anyone except Seokjin throughout the dinner. Yoongi was the type who'll speak his mind and never assumes what others think, so he decided to talk to his dear husband after the dinner.

Yoongi's gaze never left the younger throughout the dinner, and the younger was feeling way more than uncomfortable in the elder's watch. He felt like a prey which was eyed by its predator to be devoured and it was wrong of  him to feel aroused in such a situation just because his husband was eyeing him.

After dinner, Hoseok left as soon as possible because he didn't want to be confronted by Yoongi when everyone was around, so he made to their room as soon as possible and started changing into his pajamas. When he started removing the clothing articles Yoongi entered the room a little too furiously.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked, frustration visible in his tone. Of course, he was frustrated because the younger is avoiding him and Yoongi doesn't know what he did.

"I'm fine" the Omega replied whilst removing the sweater he was wearing.

"Fucking look at me, Hoseok!!" the Beta grasped the now shirtless boy and turned him around to face the younger. But what made Yoongi surprised was Hoseok yanked his hands back a little too harshly which was the straight opposite of his character.

"What the hell do you want, Yoongi!!??" the red head raised his voice, frustrated too, which he shouldn't have done because who was he to yell at a Beta?

This of course did touch, no scratch that, hit Yoongi's ego. He was a Beta and he would let an Omega to yell at him? He might, but his inner wolf would never. That big sized dog wanted control that too a little too much on his mate.

"OMEGA." This one word, this single word was enough to make Hoseok's legs go weak. Yoongi never lets his wolf control him or uses his authoritative voice to Hoseok, but if he does Hoseok knows that he has crossed the line. Yoongi and Hoseok definitely wanted to have a talk like civilized men but their wolves had a different idea. When the Beta wolf speaks who was Hoseok to stop his wolf from submitting?

"Yes, Beta" Hoseok's head hung low.

"Tell me. Tell me what's wrong, love" Yoongi spoke slowly caressing the sides of Hoseok's bare chest, calming down a little.

"I asked you not to talk to that guard" Hoseok said in a shaky voice, almost in the verge of crying.

"Hoseok ah, I told you it's nothing. Why can't you understand? Hm?" the Beta asked cupping the younger's face and caressing his cheekbones with his thumb.

"Stop saying its Nothing!!! I just asked you one thing and you can't do that for me!!!??" the Omega yelled again making the Elder lose his control again.

"Omega! Don't yell at me!!" the elder warned in a threatening voice and it was really wrong of Hoseok to moan that moment.

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