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Third person's pov

"Taehyung wh-what do you mean by you're pregnant!?" Jungkook questioned, his mind everywhere.

When Taehyung informed the others in dinner table, he really didn't expect such an outcome from the others, but he understands, they need time to get in terms with such a big news.

Once those words left his lips, the table fell silent, no one dared to open their mouth or even look at him. All their eyes wide--anywhere that was not Kim Taehyung.

"Can we talk? Us two?" Jungkook asked, finally. This was the first time he initiated a talk with the elder Omega ever since they returned home.

"Okay," Taehyung answered skeptically, but that didn't stop him from getting up from the dining table and walking out--unfed--Jungkook following him.

"What did you want to talk about?" Taehyung questioned softly, his voice so smooth.

"Taehyung wh-what do you mean by you're pregnant!?" he asked, wanting this to be some dumb prank. But, he knew this was nowhere near a prank.

"Exactly what it implies Koo--I mean, Jungkook," Taehyung looked away, not wanting to witness Jungkook's judging looks.

"W-Who's?" Jungkook asked. He was tired, he was done, he was fed up. He knows that he messed this up in the beginning, he was the one that didn't believe his mate, he accepts that and he's trying; trying to redeem himself, but it was getting out of his hands every passing day. He wants nothing but a long vacation from whatever his life was holding for him.

He didn't want his mate, his hyungs, his family, anything anymore. Nothing really stays for him, now does it? Maybe Taehyung will want to break the bond with him, because he was carrying someone else's child.

His first love left him, his best friend did--which was his mistake--now, his supposed to be mate will end things with him as well.

Maybe happiness is not for me.

He thought. He wanted to shout. Shout out loud and cry, let it all out, but he knew no one would care to listen, so he didn't bother--

"I-I don't know," Taehyung's stutter bought him out of his train of thoughts.

"Huh?" the latter snapped his head, towards the Omega's direction.

"I don't know, Jungkook," he repeated, head downcast as shame engulfed him.

"What are you saying?" Jungkook's forehead creased as he frowned in confusion.

"I-I was in heat, outside, not really in my mind.. And an Alpha near by was forced into his rut because of my heat.. Things happened, then I don't know, I woke up in that dungeon, I-I don't know Jungkook!" he let out, fat tears cascading down his pale, now skinny cheeks.

"Hey, do-don't cry!" Jungkook panicked, not knowing if he could really help the crying male.

"S-So, what are you gonna do about it?" the younger beta questioned, his eyes firmly trained on his mate as the latter couldn't bring himself to look up at Jungkook's burning gaze.

"I'm-I'm going to keep this baby, after all it's mine. But, not here, I wanna get away from this place,"

"If this is because I'm here, I'll leave, don't both--"

"It's not because of you. Everything--everything is not about you, Jungkook!" Taehyung yelled frustrated. He didn't hold anything against Jungkook in all honesty. He just wanted to get away from this place because he was not ready for the judgement he was about to get because he was pregnant. Also, he didn't want the pack members trash talking his elder brother for something that was not under his control.

"I wanna leave because, I want a break. I-I was tortured in a dark dungeon for days Jungkook, I-I just.. just want to get away from here for a while, that's all," he sighed.

"Fine," Jungkook nodded "Rest well," he smiled, turning around, ready to get away from there.

"Wait!" Taehyung called out.


"Do you.. Believe me.. Now?"

"Believe what?"

"I'm--that I'm your, you know, mate..?" Taehyung asked, biting on his bottom lip.

"I do," he smiled--that didn't reach his eyes--and walked out.

Taehyung could see, he clearly saw how sincere his smile was but, how it didn't reach his eyes; those eyes that shined brighter than the stars itself days back--which looked so lifeless now. It's gleam and shine long gone, leaving two black irises, which was empty.

On the other hand, Jungkook was feeling numb as ever. But, he was giving himself head pats for not crying in front of the boy he promised to protect and was proud that he let go of Taehyung, his mate.

Let him be happy, at least now.

He smiled to himself, eyes pooling with unshed tears--which he was never planning on pouring out. After all, he deserved that for what he did to the person that did nothing but want happiness in life.

He walked back to his room. Walking inside, he took out a big duffel bag that was left inside his closet--now dusty and spider webs decorating it.

Dusting the black bag, he started putting random dresses, his bathroom necessities, whatever else he needed--that could fit inside the bag--he packed them.

He threw the duffel bag under the bed and laid on the bed, eyes closed, as he let sleep embrace him for now.

I just wanna be happier.

He thought, his last thoughts as his breath evened out, soft snores filling the silent room.






"Taehyung-ah," Jimin called out to the younger who was watching something on the TV, in the living room.

"Yes?" he smiled, scooting away, so that the other could sit down--which he did.

"How many months?" he pointed to the other's stomach, which was covered with an oversized shirt--maybe that was why no one saw the small baby bump.


"W-Was it hard?"

"What was?" the Omega frowned softly.

"Getting pregnant while being a captive. You might've had morning sickness and all that--how did you even survive there!?" Jimin leaped forward, hugging the Omega tightly. He didn't even want to think about what happened there. One wrong move, Taehyung could've lost the child--which he was not even aware of back then.

"I didn't have morning sickness," Taehyung chuckled wanting to brighten the mood a little, "I was starved for days, so you could say I didn't have anything to throw up,"


"I still wonder, how this one survived all this and still is healthy," he rubbed his belly softly, eyes shining.

"When are you leaving to France?" Jimin asked, wanting to change the topic somehow.

"Two days, discussed with Joon hyung,"

"No!!" Jimin whined, still hugging the Omega's thin frame.


"Please stay here till my ceremony? Pretty please?"

"Fine," Taehyung laughed at how the male hasn't changed even a bit. The same person he fell in love with, the same smile he fell deeper for everyday--though he moved on.

He moved on, with the help of his poor wolf, for a certain Beta long ago--but no one needs to know that.

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