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Third person's pov

With clammy hands raised to the knob, the blonde haired werewolf stood still, anxiety shooting up the body and heavy pheromones releasing.

"Stop it! You stink with pheromones!!" the black haired male whined next to the blonde.

"B-But I'm nervous!! What if they-----"

"Stop with your what if's, baby. They are your family and I can tell you they'll be welcoming" the black hair male pecked the blonde one on the lips.

 "I might hurt them. I left the person I thought I'll spend the rest of my life with"

"It's not your fault. And, he's not the only one hurting, you too are. Trust me and do this, for me?"

"Anything for you, love"

"Let's go?" the black haired male asked, to which he got a nod as a reply.

Twisting the door knob, both the males entered the mansion. Entering the mansion one was in awe and the other was standing still, feeling nostalgic. Guards were walking inside the house as usual. Upon the two werewolves' arrival, one of the guards went upstairs to inform their head alpha.

After a few more nostalgic minutes, five men came down running. Once, the two males were in their field of vision, all the five halted, no words being spoken. It was the lead Alpha who walked forward, first.

"Jimin-ah" the lanky elder called, as he pulled he blonde younger into a tight hug. "Where the hell were you!!?" he asked, tears of happiness streaming down his cheeks.

"Joon hung" the latter whispered "forgive me?" he whispered again.

"What!?" the elder pulled out from the hug, forehead creasing and lips frowning "Forgive you? Why?" 

"I left without a word" his head hung low.

Namjoon, slowly took the younger's chin in his hand and lifted his head.

"It's okay. You came back safe and that's all we need" he smiled, dimples protruding "Don't ever hang your head low" 

"Yes, Alpha" 

Everyone who were standing behind and watched the seen unfold walked forward, except for Jin, who didn't want to interrupt their family reunion. Though, he felt like it was his family, he didn't want to make Jimin uncomfortable because they didn't even know each other.

As the three others strode forward, Jimin set his eyes on the Beta he was so much in love with. He still is, but not the way he used to. He could see fat tear drops falling from the younger beta's eyes. And he could feel himself panicking on what was coming next.

"And, who is this?" Hoseok piped in, curious as always.

"Meet Sungwoon" he gestured towards the short, black haired male who waved awkwardly "My mate" Jimin whispered, but all the wolves present heard it clearly.

"Mate?" it was Yoongi who spoke now. "So you found yours, finally?" the grey haired male smiled, his gums fully showing. Though, Jimin was glad that his hyungs were smiling, all he could focus was on Jungkook. The beta male didn't speak a word and his face showed no emotions; just blank. 

And, not so surprisingly, Jungkook turned around and ran away from the living room. Everyone was calm because it was understandable. His ex-boyfriend has returned with his significant other, and of course the younger beta was a little baffled with the situation.

"I'll go talk to him" the eldest of the all smiled and waved awkwardly to the blonde and black haired werewolves. He slowly turned around and walked to Jungkook's room to only find it empty, but he knew where to find the younger, so, he walked to Taehyung's room.

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