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Third person pov

Everything is falling apart. This was the only thought going inside the purple haired male's head. All he wanted was a peaceful, happy life. Was it too much to ask? He didn't know what to do now. Jimin left home, his brother ran away, Kook is sick, his mate wants to leave and the pack responsibilities were all suffocating him. All he wanted to do was go crawl under his blankets and snuggle with his mate, but he knew better to give the boy some space and time. 

"What do we do?" the lead alpha mumbled, to himself; to his inner wolf.

'You should talk to our mate. Or let me do it!' his inner wolf spoke. For the first time, he has asked his inner wolf's opinion. Oh, how much his mate has changed him.

"You think he'd want to talk to us?"

'He needs an explanation, Namjoon. I'm cent percent sure, he wants us right now. The one inside him will understand us.'

"The one inside him? What do you mean?" 

'I can feel it. He has someone, like me, inside him' the wolf spoke, without any doubts.

"Is he a werewolf too!?" Namjoon squealed.

'Oh lord! He's not. If he were you would know, he would've known you're his mate, he would've known we're werewolves, long back'

"You're right" Joon rubbed the nape of his neck sheepishly.

'You sure you have 148 IQ?' the wolf mocked.

"Why the fuck is everyone bringing my IQ when I do mistakes!?" the Alpha whined.

'Go talk to him, Namjoon' the wolf spoke.

"Fine" with that said, Namjoon walked towards Jungkook's room where Jin was, taking care of the sick beta.


The raven haired elder was sitting with the passed out young beta, stroking his hair gently, the doctor's words repeating through his mind.

"It's nothing serious. He has hemoptysis which are caused by short term bronchitis. In take of medication will help him cure" the doctor spoke.

"Hemoptysis?" the elder of all, Seokjin, asked.

"The coughing of blood when he passed out was because of Hemoptysis. And here, his Hemoptysis is caused by the Bronchitis. Bronchitis, is generally caused when a person in takes tobacco products. But, this boy has Bronchitis due to constant exposure to smoke and tobacco products and not because of its in take, so he will be cured sooner than the normal cases." the doctor briefed Jungkook's conditions and about the medications. "Please do not skip any of the medicines and he'll wake up soon" with that said, the doctor walked out.

Soon, all of them scrambled out of the room to resume whatever they were doing, only Jin being left in the room, taking care of the boy.

Jin was sitting on the bed, his mind replaying through whatever happened in the span of one day. How things twisted and turned much to his dislike.

As the elder was drowning in his thoughts, the room door opened which he failed to notice.

"Jin" a voice called out, pulling him out of his trance.

"What do you want?" the elder deadpanned, as he saw Namjoon walk inside and stand next to him.

"Don't you think we have to talk?"

"Talk what?"

"Give me a chance to explain, Jin"

"Explain what? You like me because I'm your m--- oh my bad, explain how you don't like my pathetic ass?" the elder snarled.

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