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Third person's pov

The black haired male slowly jogged towards his boyfriend's,--ex boyfriend's, room--to only find him packing few bags which did leave the young male confused.

"You going somewhere?" the male asked carefully, trying to sound casual. To which he got a nod as the reply. "Can-Can we talk?" the beta asked hesitantly.

"If it's about our relationship we have nothing to talk, Jungkook" the elder said sternly, yet hurt visible in his voice. The male of course wanted to find his mate but at the same time he loved Jungkook a little too much that he's hurting.

"Why, Jimin? Why!?" the latter yelled in frustration.

"I told you, Kook. We were not meant to be. We should break up so that we can lead a happy life with our mates. I might sound selfish but I want my mate, Jungook. I do love you, but I want a mate, a forever promise, Kook." he said facing the beta now, eyes taking in every facial feature of his lover for the last time.


"I'm leaving, Kook. So, please accept the fact Taehyung is your mate and live with him?" The Alpha asked as tears pricked his eyes.

"Leave? Where!? If it's because of me, please don---"

"It's not because of you. I'm leaving to find my mate. I'll come back soon, with my mate" the elder smiled, a smile not reaching his puffy eyes. With that being said, the Alpha walked out of his room taking a few bags in his hand leaving behind a sad yet furious man.

Jungkook made two mistakes.

Instead of running behind Jimin and stopping him, the black haired beta did something else. He walked towards his destination, fuming in anger. Without even knocking he barged inside Taehyung's room. The Omega who was sick, whose heat might kick in anytime, was lying on his bed a little peacefully, after eating few painkillers. 

As soon as Jungkook entered the room he tried getting up from his spot on the bed but it was really hard for him with the pain in his abdomen and lower regions. Still, he managed to stand up.

"Ko-- Jungkook?" the male hissed in pain because his lower regions were in more pain but still he was forcing himself to stand up.

"Are you happy now?" the beta yelled, turning red in anger. The latter just quirked his eyebrows because he didn't understand what the younger was talking about.

"Wh-What are you---"

"Shut up!!! Don't act like you don't know! You did this right? You forced him right!?" Kook spoke through gritted teeth.

"I don't understand, Kook" Taehyung said, clutching his abdomen.

"Don't lie you slut! You asked Jimin to leave, right? I know! Just because of you-- he left me, Just because of you filthy bitch he left me" tears rolled down, staining Jungkook's porcelain cheeks.

"Leave? What are you talking about!!? Where is he now?" Tae tried moving from where he was standing but he couldn't, the pain was increasing every second.

"Stop with your acts, Taehyung! Please!! I'm begging you, please stop these games" more tears were rolling down Kook's cheeks.

"Kook, why don't you believe me? Why don't you tru---" the elder was cut off.

"Believe you? How do you expect me to believe a filthy Omega like you Taehyung? You're nothing but a mere omega who wants to get in the bed with someone" the younger scoffed. That moment, Taehyung's time froze. Taehyung has always hated being called an Omega and being treated differently, he despised it. Those words "mere omega" kept ringing in his mind, heart shattering at the words and accusations thrown at him, the blue haired male let out a quiet sob. The next words that left Jungkook's mouth were enough to break the blue haired male forever.

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