Good With Kids P2

Começar do início

"I don't remember being a superhero," she countered.

"Well, of course you don't! You're in your little body, so you've only got your little memories."

She paused. "I guess that makes sense. But, what are my superpowers? What can I do?"

"That's the best part," Spider-Man beamed, "you're one of my favorite heroes because you're so freaking awesome without some freak accident giving you an advantage. I've watched you interrogate and crack some of the toughest and closed lipped crooks. I've seen you take out legions of robots without them being able to track your movements. It's insane! I wasn't even there for all of it since I'm not, like, an official member of the team or anything. So, I guess I've still got a bit of that civilian hero-worship thing going on, but you could stab me and I'd say 'thank you.'"

"Is that so?" Stark smirked.

"Not you, you're lame, Tin Can."

"Need some Aloe for that, Stark?"

"Very funny, Barton. You're so hilarious."

"So, if you already know who I am, why'd you ask what my name is?" Natasha found herself blurting. She didn't know how she came to the realization that it didn't quite add up, but she decided it probably had something to do with who she grew up to be.

Spider-Man shrugged. "You mentioned a while back you changed your name, but never told me what it was before. Since you obviously don't remember your adult life, I doubt you'll respond to Natasha."

"Huh," she conceded, "that makes sense. I'm Natalia."

"Natalia," the vigilante mused, "guess you didn't want to totally change it up. If I changed my name, I would've gone for something wild. Like, I dunno, Alejandro. Or, maybe, Leonardo. Or, any or the other Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Those green dudes were awesome."

Natasha - Natalia - made a face. "You're weird."

"I know," he shrugged, taking a seat next to her a pulling her onto his lap, bouncing his knee. This seemed to keep her occupied for a few minutes.

"Я голоден," she announced after a moment. >I'm hungry<

"Ладно," Spider-Man responded quickly. He glared accusingly at his friends. "You didn't give her anything to eat?" >okay<

"We were supposed to?" Stark asked weakly. "She ate before we left."

"You don't know what affects that blast had on her. Someone go make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and grab some juice or a Capri Sun," the wall-crawler ordered. He looked at Natalie, who had twisted herself to face him during the exchange. "I'm guessing you still have your mental skills since you picked up on the name thing and are still multilingual." He paused, as if waiting for her to say something, before plowing on. "And your vocabulary is still the same, otherwise I'm sure you would have asked what 'multilingual' means, Smartie-pants." He gave her a quick tickle on her tummy for emphasis. Her giggles were absolutely adorable and infectious to the team members still left in the room.

"Итак, кто все?" >so, who are they<

Right, she didn't have her memories, and the Avengers hadn't done a great job figuring out what she needed, meaning they probably hadn't thought to re-introduce themselves. "They're the world's biggest idiots: the Avengers." There was a collective squak of indignation that the web-slinger was oddly proud of. He poked the girl right on her belly button. "Those are your words, by the way. You'd decided to tag along for a drug deal I was busting up. Said 'the toddlers' were gonna be the death of you. Kind of ironic now." The hero turned to the idiots. "She doesn't have her memories, remember? You're gonna have to reintroduce yourselves properly."

Stories Focussed On Spider-ManOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora