Yeong feels Kings Eyes on him. But he didn’t respond to it because he knows His lover’s intention.

When the clock displays ten thirty, Yeong stands from the couch where he was sitting and closing his laptop.

“Pyeha. You should sleep now. Tomorrow you have a meeting with Prime Minister Koo in the morning before your flight to Canada.” Yeong said to King who is busy looking at his math equation.

“Oh yeah. I forget that.” King stand with Yawn.

“I will-”

“Yeong can you sleep in my room today?”

Before Yeong finishes his sentence King cut off him. Yeong looks at the king with a shocked face before quickly change into his poker face.

“Pyeha. I can’t. I am not just your best friend anymore. Now I am your captain and people might begin gossip around. I don’t want to that happen.” Yeong said. Lee gon sighs knowing he can’t change Yeong’s mind.

“Okay then, get some rest Yeongah. I will definitely steel you tomorrow.” With a wink throwing at his captain Lee Gon walk to his bedroom.

“Oh no!” Yeong shakes his head thinking way to escape from his lover.


In the morning Lee Gon wakes up to loud noise coming from hallways. He sits upon his bed, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

“What’s happening outside?” he muttered to himself leaving his blanket cocoon. Suddenly his bedroom door opened and court lady Noh came with Yeong tailing behind.

“Thank god you are awake.” Lady Noh said as soon as she saw King standing near the bed.

“Good morning to you.” Lee Gon scoffs ready to walk toward his bedside table to drink water.

“By the way what’s happening outside? What is the noise?” the king asks eyeing Yeong.

“Pyeha, Prime Minister Koo here. And she is tried to get in your study.” Yeong replied.

“What? Why is she early? Isn’t meeting in an hour?” Gon said frowning.

“That’s what I said too. She is really annoying. Don’t worry Pyeha, I will hold her. You can get ready like usual. You have a flight to catch” With that Court lady Noh left the room.

“Pyeha, I will wait outside.” Yeong left the room without giving chance to King to do or tell anything.


“Good morning Pyeha!” Prime Minister Koo’s voice greets King as soon as he enters his study.

“I thought our meeting will be on 30mins later. You are early Prime Minister Koo.” Lee Gon responds to the lady waiting with a fake smile sitting down on his chair.

“Oh, I am sorry Pyeha. I have a meeting to attend after this. I thought if I came early I can finish this early too.” Prime Minister Koo replied.

With You || Lee Gon /Jo YeongWhere stories live. Discover now