02 ~ Telling Him

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Niall (your pov)~ Since you received the results, you hid your pregnancy from Niall. Not to hurt him, but to wait and make telling him special. You had a dinner planned, that you would cook, and blurt it out when the time was right. You knew he'd appreciate you making it fun for him to find out. You were on the couch using your laptop and researching recipes for the perfect meal. You heard Niall's feet shuffling towards you, and dimmed your lid. He held a piece of paper in his hand, studying it carefully.

"Y/N, babe what's this?" He showed it to you, and sat beside you on the couch. "I was going through the mail and found a bill from the doctors office. Are you- are you pregnant?"

You looked towards him with sad eyes, dropping the bill on your lap. "I'm sorry, Niall. I wanted to tell you. I had a whole dinner planned and I would tell you, and it was going to be perfect, and-" He cut you off by pressing his lips to yours, giving you a passionate yet gentle kiss.

When you broke apart, he kissed your temple, and whispered, "I love you so, so much, princess."

"So you're not mad?" He swiped the pad of his thumb under your eye, wiping away the tears formed from so many emotions.

"Of course not." You smiled, getting up and running to your bedroom. You returned with a small, colorful package with Niall's name written on it.

"I was going to give you this, too." you handed him the gift, waiting for the smile that was sure to form on his face. He held up the small onesie that read 'Daddy's Future Caddy' on the front in big letters.

Zayn (your pov)~ You were back at the shopping centre again, returning most of the items you purchased on your last visit. Zayn didn't like the new pajama pants you bought him; he said he would sweat in them. And the jacket wasn't his style. He also didn't like the drapes, because they were too 'girly'. And he said the gadgets were useless and boring. If he couldn't accept inanimate object, would he be able to accept a child? You two couldn't even agree on drapes.

You had no idea how you would tell him, or how he would react for that matter. When Doniya told her husband, she put together this whole elaborate plan to surprise him. You knew Zayn wouldn't like that, and it would probably end in an argument, so that was out. There wasn't really a way to avoid him exploding. Instead you decided to spend your night getting your mind off your situation by watching a movie with him. Of course, the movie he picked had a main character who was pregnant and that did nothing to get your mind off your situation.

“I'm pregnant,” you blurted, catching him off guard. He began coughing on the chips he was eating, but quickly regained his composure.

"What?" He snapped.

"I'm pregnant," you repeated, whispering.

“I don’t want a baby. Can you get an abortion or something?” What he said made you furious, and you stood, pushing at his chest.

“NO! I can’t believe you would even suggest that! It’s your flesh and blood, and you would just kill it?!” He began screaming at you, you screaming back at him. The fight went on like this for nearly an hour.

"I don't know how I feel about this, Y/N. I'm sleeping in the guest bedroom tonight." And with that he stormed up the stairs, leaving you to cry with a TV blaring in the background.

Liam (your pov)~ About 7 months into you and Liam's relationship, when things started getting serious, you sat him down in the kitchen of his apartment. You were scared to tell him. He had always liked children, and watching him with Lux and Brooklyn broke your heart. You knew you would never be able to give him that, and the thought of disappointing him killed you. But he had the right to know, so you mustered up the courage and began to tell him.

"Liam, we have to talk." You began, reaching across the table and squeezing his hands.

"No, no no no, no." He stood up, shaking his head and covering his mouth with his hands. "No, I love you so much Y/N, don't do this. Please don't leave me." He began crying and sat back down. His head lolled back and forth on his shoulders.

"Liam, no baby. No, I'm not leaving you. Never." You made your way towards him and pressed a soft kiss to his temple, running your fingers through his fluffy hair.

"You scared me." He said, sighing in relief. Sitting on his lap, you rested your head on his shoulder and proceeded to tell him what you had started to. Your story came pouring out, as did your tears. He listened to every word, though you could tell he was confused.

"I can't have children, Liam. I'm sorry. If you don't want to be with me I understand."

"It's fine, ya. It's okay. There are other ways, right?" He gave you a weak smile, and that was the end of the conversation.

Harry (your pov)~ Gemma had taken you back to her place that day, and had you take a pregnancy test. It was positive, like you both suspected. You knew you had to make telling Harry fun, to make him even more excited. Plus it would be funny to see the look of surprise and confusion on his face. Gemma helped you plan how you would tell him, and tonight, the plan was in action.

The oven beeped, signaling that your food was done. Harry stood in the kitchen making a sandwich. "Harry, could you take the tray out of the oven?" He nodded, and took some oven mits from the drawer. You couldn't help but smile from where you sat at the counter.

He leaned over and opened the oven, your cue to get up and stand behind him. He looked at you, confused, and stood up. "Harry, there's a bun in the oven."

He shook his head, saying "I know, but why only one bun? I might want one too." You giggled, and placed your hands on your stomach.

"No, there's a bun in the oven. This oven." He stared at you with wide eyes, a smile slowly growing on his lips.

"You're pregnant." He laughed, pressing his hand to his mouth in disbelief. He fell to his knees, wrapping his arms tightly around you waist and resting his head on your stomach. "There's a baby in there?" You nodded, and pulled him to his feet. He swiftly wrapped his arms around you in a proper hug. "Ha! I'm going to be a dad!" He spun you around, the both of you laughing.

"Oh, I need to be careful with you. There's a bun in the oven! That's hilarious!" You both laughed, until Harry bent down and lifted up your shirt. "I'm your daddy, little bun."

Louis (his pov)~ You and Lou sat on the bedroom floor, the pregnancy test on a piece of toilet paper between you. Not a word had been spoken between the two of you since you had emerged from the bathroom. You looked up at him, giving him another nervous look that he returned with a small smile and a comforting touch on your knee.

Last year, you and him had tried for kids with no luck. Those moths were filled with painful disappointment and heartache. When he left for tour, you lost hope, and stopped thinking about starting a family. He returned from tour two months ago, but you didn't start trying again, in hopes of avoiding the pain of failure, so this was a pleasant surprise. He had a timer set on his phone for the five minutes you both stared at with no patience. "I'm so scared." You whispered, looking up to Louis. He nodded, and looked back down to his lap.

You were both shaken out of your trance when the timer rung. Looking into Lou's eyes, you picked up the pregnancy test slowly, the both of you too scared to look. "On three. Louis suggested.

 "On three." You repeated, nodding.

"One, two..." You said in unison. When you reached three, you flipped over the test, holding it so only you could see. "Positive" You whispered with a huge smile on your face. He looked at you with disbelief until you handed it over for him to see for himself. He leaned over and kissed you passionately.

You pulled away, realized you would be so late to Johanna's party. "We'll celebrate when we get home," you said, smirking, as the both of you rushed to get ready.

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