18 ~ Baby Shower

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Niall (your pov) ~ Theme: Bumble Bees (unknown gender)

"Niall, you need to leave," Sophia said, trying to walk him to the front door. "I told you: it's only girls."

"But I want cake, and I want to see the cool stuff we got," he whined, holding onto the door frame so he could stay in the room longer as she tried to push him out.

"Niall James Horan, right now," she said sternly. Sensing his distress, you walked over to him and brushed the hair away from his face. You gave him a quick kiss on the lips before pushing him the rest of the way out the door.

"I'll save you some cake, now go. I love you," you said, and he finally left, allowing Sophia to shut the front door of her's and Liam's home. You, along with Niall and the other girls, had flown home for the shower. You would be staying home now that your due date was closer, but Niall had to fly back to attend the last month and a half of the tour.

"Save me some candy, too!" you heard him yell from outside. You laughed, and turned to finally take in the decor of the room that your boyfriend had distracted you from. There were yellows and whites everywhere, and the smell of delicious food coming from the kitchen. You really appreciated the small, yet still amazing, party the girls had thrown for you.

"First game?" Louis' girlfriend asked, wiping the frosting from a cupcake off her chin. You all nodded as she began to explain it. "Okay, so we're going to have a diapering race. Each player gets a doll, a blindfold and diapers. You have to wear the blindfold, and whoever puts the diaper on the doll the fastest wins. Simple enough?"

The first half of you sat on the floor in a circle. Someone helped you down safely and tied the blindfold around your head so you couldn't see a thing. As soon as Harry's girlfriend yelled 'go', the room was filled with cheers of encouragement and victory. You ended up coming in fourth out of six, with the diaper lopsided on the plastic doll. Lesson learned: you need practice on wrapping diapers.

Cake: Two tiered chocolate cake, frosted with pale yellow butter cream and two small bee figurines on the top.

Table Decor: There were four round table in the room with six white folding chairs around each. There were yellow and white plaid table cloths and a vase of yellow and white flowers in the center.

Favorite Gift: Sophie the Giraffe Teether. It was adorable, and would be good for either a boy or girl. You had read about it online, and all the perks of it. It had won many awards for the best toy, and you were happy to give your baby something that would be safe for them to chew on and play with.

Zayn (your pov) ~ Theme: Shabby Chic

You folded a cute little sweater you had just received as a gift from a family member and stuffed it back into the bag along with the blanket and stuffed bear.

"Ready Y/N?" you heard Safaa yell from across the room somewhere.

"I'm not sure for what...but yea okay," you chuckled when suddenly she came out of the kitchen with Zayn, holding a massive cake in their hands. Your jaw dropped as they set the intricately decorated dessert on the table in front of you. Ribbons of frosting in pastel colors coated the outside, and on the top sat a pair of edible pink baby booties.

"Guys! Oh my god! This....this is so, so beautiful!" you said ecstatically as you looked at the amazing creation in front of you. Trisha put her hands on your shoulders and smiled as she leaned down to give you a kiss on your cheek.

"I knew you'd love it," Waliyha grinned while standing beside you. She handed you a knife and you held it in your hand, not doing anything with it.

(Discontinued) One Direction Pregnancy SeriesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora