29 ~ Picking a birthing plan

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Niall (your pov) ~ "I'm so tired," You whimpered, as you walked inside after your latest pregnancy class with your phone pressed to your ear. Spud greeted you in the foyer, bounding down the stairs and spinning around excitedly. He licked your hand once more after you had pet him behind his ears, and then pranced into the kitchen and laid under the window in the sun.

"I'm sorry, babe. I wish I could help out," Niall sighed. That longing was in his voice again, like when you talked to him last night. Where he was, it was only 9 in the morning, but here it was 6 at night. The time difference was so difficult to work around, especially now that you went to bed so early and were constantly taking hour-long naps.

You sighed, and placed your purse on the kitchen counter. Quickly, with Spud tailing at your feet, you ran to the bathroom. "We need to get a few things squared away before the baby comes," you said as you sat down on the toilet.

"Like what?" he asked.

"Uh...we need to decide on a place for me to give birth, first of all, and then a middle name, and if we're going to give their a hyphenated surname - which I don't really want to do, so never mind. Plus-"

"Wait, are you pissing?" he asked, his voice high-pitched and questioning. You stayed silent, and flushed the toilet to answer his question. When he heard the flush through the phone, he burst out laughing, and said, "You sound like a freaking horse!"

"Hey!" you said, pretending to be offended, and then laughed. You washed your hands, ignoring Niall's playful comments from the other side of the world and Spud's cries from the other side of the door. "I've been holding it in for hours. Pregnant woman should not have to hold in their piss, okay?"

"Alright, alright. Do you want to talk about that stuff now that you've finished emptying your bladder?" You scrunched up your nose in annoyance, but agreed and went to find your notebook that held all the notes you've been taking at your pregnancy classes in your purse. You plopped on the couch, Spud following your actions, while complaining about your swollen feet to Niall.

"Okay, so I have a few options," you said, flipping through the thin pages, all filled with your messy, scribbled handwriting.

"For what?" he asked, and you sighed in frustration.

"I literally just explained everything! Were you not listening?"

"Yes- well, no. I was too distracted by your-"

"Don't even say it!" you yelled, cutting him off. Spud raised his head off your lap worriedly, but soon realized you were fine and put it down again.

"Okay, okay. You want to decide on a place to push a baby out of you?" He said, and you couldn't help but smile.

"Yes, I do. If you'd let me explain, we could get this done faster and then maybe we can do something else- something for you. I miss you, Ni, and pregnancy is making me a bit wild..." you said seductively. You heard his breath hitch in his throat, and him coughing. You bit your bottom lip to stop a laugh from escaping.

"F*ck, baby- If I was there-" he began.

"Ah, ah, ah. We need to get a few things done before I even begin. I have a few options: the hospital, of course, at home- but I really don't want that, and a birthing centre. My labor coach said today that a birthing centre would be a lot less busy and more calm. I think I'm leaning towards that, but what do you think?"

"Whatever you want, babe. Can we, you know...now?"

"No, we still need to decide on a middle name...Any ideas?"

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