17 ~ Godparents

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Niall (your pov) ~ "Theo!" Niall exclaimed when his nephew popped up on the screen. You were skyping Niall's brother, and Theo had suddenly taken the call over. He spoke about his birthday the next month, and about he was excited to start first year in the fall. 

"Uncle Niall, I got a goal! In my football match yesterday! I wish you were there, it was amazin'," Theo told him, his face dropping. 

"Hey bud, I'm off tour again next month for a few days. Aunt Y/N and I will come down for a visit and we'll play together, yeah?" Theo nodded excitedly, and began rambling again. In the background you saw Niall's niece, Evie, crawling around the lounge room floor. Niall wave, telling Thoe to bring her over to the computer. She started crying, and Theo put her down. Suddenly, your dog, Spud, came bounding into the camera's view. 

"Hey, buddy!" you squealed, excited to see your puppy, though he wasn't really a puppy. Greg and Denise had been watching him for you during the American leg of the tour. Theo couldn't have been more excited about that, and he began telling you stories about Spud. 

"Theo, big man, we gotta talk to your dad and mum, can you go get them for us?" He nodded and ran off. Evie was left in the camera's view, and she sat on the floor, banging a foam block on the floor in front of her. Greg and Denise showed up after nearly five minutes of you and Niall watching Evie play on the floor, and they smiled and waved at you. 

"What's up, brother?" Greg asked. "How are you doing, Y/N?"

"We're great. The tour is going awesome. And her pregnancy is going smoothly. We just have one thing to ask you," Niall said, turning to look at you. You nodded and smiled widely, anticipating the reactions that were inevitable. "Would you guys be the godparents?"

"Yes!" Denise squealed. Greg smiled shaking his head in disbelief.

"Its so surreal. I still can't believe my baby brother is having a baby."

Zayn (your pov) ~ You looked out at the familiar view from your apartment, taking in the beauty of lights of the city. You smiled, listening to Zayn and Louis laughing behind you in the kitchen. Louis' girlfriend was going through a bag of baby clothes she had brought from her mother-in-law. 

"I still can believe you're having a little girl," she said happily. You smiled at her excitement and held up a cute pink and brown jumper up in front of you. The boys were oblivious of the distance between you and Zayn; except for Niall and his wife who had acted as a median between you and your boyfriend. 

"Louis, seriously, your mum is amazing. Thank her for me, will you?" you said, gushing over grey knit dress. You had three trash bags full of baby clothes and stuffed animals lied out on the table in piles. Zayn and Louis joined you at the table and placed plates of the take-out in front of you. Zayn' leaned down at kissed your forehead to avoid suspicion from your friends. You nearly flinched, but suppressed your surprise and smiled. 

The Italian food from a small hole in the wall a few blocks down from your building smelled amazing, and you couldn't wait to dig in. But there was a reason you invited Louis and his girl over. 

"Hey, so, we wanted to ask you two something," you began. You looked to Zayn, who was inspecting a stuffed bunny toy. They nodded, suddenly becoming more serious. "Ya, we understand if you say no, but we couldn't think of anyone else we would rather choose. Would you consider being Jaeda's godparents?"

Louis and his girlfriend looked at eachother with growing smiles. "This is amazing, thank you. Of course, we'd be honoured," Louis said, standing up to hug you. You watched as Zayn hugged Louis' girlfriend, laughing at something you said. Louis placed his hands on your stomach and kneeled down.

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