13 ~ The Public Finds Out

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Niall ~ Instead of the fans finding out on their own, Niall wanted to tell them to make them happy and avoid scandals all over the internet. While visiting Greg, Denise, and the kids (again) while Niall was on break, the men devised ‘plans’, as Theo called them, on how to tell the public. 

On this particular, four day visit, you had brought yours and Niall’s dog, Spud. He was a goldendoodle Niall bought you for your birthday two years ago, and Theo absolutely adored him. Plus, it was good to get Spud away from the city and to a place where he could run and play in a backyard without a leash. 

While playing with Spud in the living room, Theo suddenly said, “Spud could help with the baby when it comes. I bet he will be a good big brother.” 

You couldn’t help but smile at the thought of your son or daughter growing up with a dog as their best friend, something you had always begged for as a child. 

“Hey! Spud could be in the picture to announce it!” Niall exclaimed excitedly, high five-ing his nephew. Greg help Niall set up the scene on his front steps, with you on hand to make Spud sit still for the picture. Standing behind Niall, you kept the dog’s attention as your boyfriend snapped the picture. In the picture, Spud was lying on the first step with a pair of Niall’s shoes, and pair of your shoes, and a pair of Theo’s old baby booties. 

You two didn’t post anything, but you had Greg tweet the picture with the caption: “Another Horan baby? He’ll have his paws full!” Everyone expected it to be him and Denise expecting another child, but when they clicked on the picture and saw Spud, it was safe to say that no one expected it to be of you and Niall. 

The word quickly spread and your exciting news was out. #BigBroSpud and #BabyHoran trended within a few minutes.

Zayn ~ Being stuck inside the house was boring. Going out was completely out of the question, since Zayn had yet to tell the public about your baby. In your few months stuck in, you had cleaned the house top to bottom, reorganized the music collection, watched over 50 movies, and beat Candy Crush. You even baked a bit, which didn’t end too well. You were beginning to become restless with no more activities coming to mind, and had seriously considered going out and breaking managements ‘rules’. 

At the beginning of the pregnancy, you had either hid your bump with loose and baggy clothing, or stayed in by your own decision because of your morning sickness, which you were still experiencing. Now, going out was no longer even an option to you. Seeing Zayn leave every morning was annoying and made you angry. Still, you weren’t sleeping in the same room, since you still hadn’t forgiven him and he hadn’t done anything to gain your trust back. 

Sensing another argument sprouting, Zayn quickly snapped this picture of you in bed your bed after barging into your once shared room without even giving you the courtesy of knocking. You had tried to stop him, but your crippling back pain had made it impossible to reach him before he posted it. 

He tweeted the picture, “October is a new, exciting beginning. Feeling very blessed and excited .xx” The news spread quicker than you expected, the headline that you were pregnant was everywhere. You were relieved to be able to go out in public without the risk of having scandals in the magazines. But also felt sorry since Zayn tweeting about you, after management had told you both to wait, just so you could be happier and more comfortable. 

Liam ~ On a shopping trip with Karen for baby clothes and furniture - despite your precautions, including bringing two bodyguards with you - a group of fans spotted you and snapped a picture of the two of you ogling over a cute teddy bear jumper. The fans partly figured it out; you couldn’t deny how brilliantly insane they were. The one thing they didn’t know was that you weren’t actually pregnant. 

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