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Sorry guys for the wait. I know that I've probably kept you waiting longer, but I'm trying to update faster and it's not working too well. I have a big exam coming up and homework on top of that so I'm a bit busy. Next chapter will be Talking to His Mum.

Can't believe in almost at 2k reads! You guys are genuinely amazing. I hope you like the series and will continue to read. I like to see the votes, too!

Sorry for probably making you think I updated 😬 hopefully you'll read this anyway. I promise next chapter will be worth it! It'll be up no later than Saturday (hopefully...sorry).

Thanks guys ~ K ;) xx

P.S. I write everything on tumblr and every pref has a picture/gif. When the babies come and I start the baby series it will be a lot more fun to see the pics. I've already got the images for the babies picked out, but I'd like to see what you guys think they'd look like. My tumblr is dncngllms (I think I mentioned this before but it's like dancingllamas without the vowels). Hope you guys come over and see!

That was a really long P.S. sorry. Just one more thing: I love you guys!

Sorry again for the false update. I don't like doing this to you, so this will probably be the last one until the end of the series.

(Discontinued) One Direction Pregnancy SeriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora