01 ~ Finding Out

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Niall (your pov)~ As you were cooking dinner one night for you and Niall, you got a call from your doctor, reminding you to schedule as annual physical. You turned off the stove so the chicken wouldn't burn, and searched your calendar for a day that you were free.

Being the organized person you were, you tracked your periods and marked in advance when they would come. The red marker you used showed that your period should have come two and a half weeks ago. To the lady on the phone, you said, "can we schedule that for tomorrow?"

After giving Niall a lame excuse for going out, you arrived at the doctor's office. You squirmed in your seat in the waiting room, the anticipation killing you.

"Y/N?" You stood, and followed the nurse to the examination room.

"There's patient confidentiality, right?" You asked, not wanting this to reach the media.

"Yes, Mrs. Horan." The nurse answered while flipping through pages on a clipboard. You twisted your wedding ring around on your finger, thinking of your husband.

"My period is late. Can I get a pregnancy test?" You asked. The nurse nodded and went rifling through the cabinets, eventually pulling out a small container. She told you what to do and where the bathroom was, then what other things the doctor would need to check. You nodded, and went to the toilet to fill the cup. After you used the toilet, you left the cup where the nurse instructed and returned back to the examination room. The doctor came in, and began to check your breathing,

"So I will get the results by tomorrow?" You said between deep breaths.

"Yes. We'll call you to let you know. Can you lay on you back please?"

The next day, you were watching a movie with Niall when your phone rang. You jumped up, telling him you'd be right back, and shut yourself in the bedroom. "Yes, yes of course, thank you. Okay. Thanks. Yes, goodbye." You smiled, and looked down to your stomach, placing a hand over your baby.

Zayn (your pov)~ His family has been bugging you and Zayn for the past two years of your four year relationship, saying you and him needed to settle down, get engaged at the least. You secretly were hoping he would break from their pressure and finally pop the question, but you also knew he wasn't ready for that. Things with his career were getting big again, and he would be away more than ever. He had told you it would happen one day, promising it would be everything you ever wanted. But your parents were pushing for something bigger: a grand baby. Being their only child in a serious relationship, they were anxious for a new baby to spoil. Zayn shot down the idea every time, always saying he wanted to wait till after you were married.

Your thoughts were interrupted by another wave of nausea. You got out of bed and sprinted to the bathroom, Zayn hot on your tail. "Y/N, you alright babe?" He bent down to where you were hunched over the toilet, grabbing your hair in one hand and rubbing circles on your back with the other.

"Just a bug, I think." You answered, your stomach still tossing. He left shortly after for a book signing in London, and you went out to the store, returning home hours later with new clothes, new drapes for the living room, useless gadgets, and pregnancy tests.

In the bathroom, your shaky hands tore the box open and pulled the tests out. The five minutes of waiting felt like hours before you could finally check the tests. While you were waiting, you tested out your new banana slicer you only bought to waste time so you wouldn't have to come home. You continued to mush the banana with the useless tool, your mind on only one thing: Zayn wouldn't want a baby. And sure enough, all four tests said positive.

Liam (your pov)~ When you were 16, your mother decided it was time for your first visit with your gynecologist. Your not only got your period, you got it with a vengeance. You'd bleed for at least a week and your cramps would only be eased if you lay on your back on the sofa and had your mother gently lower herself on you to sit on your stomach. After three years of dealing with the "stomach-sitting" being a family joke, your period stopped, which was concerning. After three months of period free paradise, your mother thought you should have your situation checked.

When the doctor came in, your mother explained your situation in detail, mentioning that your aunt and two cousins on your dad's side had similar issues. The doctor eventually said, "Okay, I am just going to run some tests, see what's going on here." After the tests, the doctor came back into the room and told you the news.

"See, Y/N," the doctor began. You sat up straighter and readjusted your paper gown and crossed you arms over your chest. "Your absence of menstruation seems to be a symptom of something more serious than we had first thought." She went on to say that there were pills to take so you could still have your period, and be like the other girls in school. And then she mentioned the fact that you would most likely never be able to conceive. Your world stopped. You felt your mother's arms wrap around your shoulders, which you shrugged off.

"Can we go home now?" You whined, holding back tears.

Harry (your pov)~ "Bye, Harry. Love you." You bent down to where he sat on the floor, struggling to put together a bookshelf for your bedroom, and kissed him on the cheek. The past week had been crazy, with you obsessively online shopping and sending Harry out to buy the most random foods at many hours of the night.

"Love you too, Y/N. When will you be back?" He kissed you again, this time on the lips.

"In about two hours. It's only lunch with your sister." You rubbed his back before heading out the door and to your car. Gemma was already at the restaurant when you got there, gently pushing the stroller of her one-month-old son back and forth. You bent over, giving Gemma a swift kiss on the cheek, and turned your attention to your beautiful godson.

"Hey, little guy. Hey Felix." You cooed, earning a gurgle and hiccup from the baby. You and Gemma fell into conversation about your lives since you last saw each other, and Gemma's life as a mother. A waiter walked by with a tray that looked to be fish and chips, a meal you usually loved, but the smell made you gag and hold your nose.

When the waitress came, Gemma ordered and then it was your turn. "The steak, rare please, and can your put some thing spicy on that - spiciest thing you have, and can I get a side of pickles with that? Are your pickles good? And the fruit salad." The waitress nodded, giving you a strange look, and left.

"Y/N, are you pregnant?" Gemma whispered, leaning across the table with Felix in her arms.

"No! Of course not!" You stated defensively.

"Y/N, your boobs look a lot bigger, and you almost threw up when that guy walked by with fish. That meal you ordered screamed pregnancy. I was in your shoes only a few months ago."

"Can't be," You whispered, the realization finally hitting you.

Louis (your pov)~ "Lou, none of my pants fit. I'm wearing sweatpants!" You yelled to him. He emerged form the bathroom with toothpaste dripping on his chin.

"Y/N! We're going to Mum's birthday party, you can't wear sweats." A sob hitched in your throat. You sat on the edge of the bed, and held your head in your hands. "Oh, babe. I'm sorry."

"No, Louis, it's me. I'm getting fat and ugly, and none of my clothes fit me." You began crying, so Louis wrapped his arms around you and pulled you onto his lap.

"You're beautiful, so beautiful." He whispered, rocking you as you cried. Suddenly, you stopped, looking up at him, and you gasped. "What's wrong?" He asked. You stood and bolted to the bathroom and began digging through the cabinet under the sink. Cleaning supplies and hair gels were lying on the floor around you when you finally pulled out the box that held the answers. You held it up for Louis to see, and his lips formed a big grin. He began laughing, you joining, for no reason besides pure joy.

"Oh, I love you so much Y/N!" He gave you a big hug, squeezing the air out of you.

"Louis!" You laughed. "We're not even sure yet. I need water - I just peed a few minutes ago." He ran to the kitchen, and you could hear him rummaging through the fridge for a bottle, while you took a test out and read the directions. You drank the water Louis gave you, and focused on peeing. "Babe, we're going to be late for your Mum's party!" You gasped.

"It's fine. This is too exciting to wait. Do you have to pee yet?"

"Oh, yes! Leave, leave!" You pushed him out of the bathroom and locked the door.

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