06 ~ First Ultrasound

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Niall (your pov) ~ You were siting on the bed in the doctor's office dressed in a paper gown. You were holding onto Niall's hand so tight it began turning white. He tried pulling away since you were probably hurting him, but you were too nervous to let go. 

There was a small knock on the door, and in came the doctor. She was in her fifties or sixties, which made you calm down a little since she probably had a lot of experience. She asked you and Niall some questions before lifting up your shirt and saying "It might be a bit cold." She put the gel on your stomach and began moving the stick around. 

You didn't want to look - you were too scared that something was wrong. You kept your eyes on Niall, who was starring at the screen. If he was brave enough, you should be too. You looked at the screen, which was full of static. Nothing showed up at first, which made your breathing quicken. 

"Mrs. Horan, please calm down. The baby is just hiding." She moved the stick to your right side, and suddenly a steady beat filled the room. "There's the baby's heartbeat. And if you look closely, you can see your baby's head." Niall squeezed your hand, a smile growing on both your faces. You kept your eyes glued to the screen, which the doctor moved closer so you could see better. Your eyes filled with tears, you mouth opening, but no words formed. 

"I'm going to be a dad." Niall whispered, his features softening. 

"You look to be about 11 weeks. Your baby looks healthy, as do you, Mrs. Horan. Pictures?" You and Niall nodded, and you heard a quick click. 

As you were leaving, the doctor handed you five copies of the picture of your baby. "Take care of her, Mr. Horan." She said as she shook his hand. 

Zayn (your pov) ~ "Will the father be joining us today?" Doctor Morris asked as she rolled up your shirt. 

"I don't think so." You shrugged. You shifted your position on the hard bed, and looked away from the sympathetic smile on the doctor's face. As she got organized, you wished for Zayn to show up. You had told him where and when the appointment was that morning with no intent of actually seeing him there, but now you hoped he had been listening. 

"How are you feeling?" The doctor asked. 

"Awful." You answered, shaking your head. She motioned for you to explain by nodding her head. "My morning sickness last all day. And It keeps me up at night. I've been so exhausted."

"Okay. It could just be your body's way of dealing with the pregnancy; I'll look into it."

Just as the doctor was about to start, the door opened, making you both jump. "Am I late?" Zayn asked, out of breath. 

"No, just in time." The doctor smiled at the both of you. He took a seat at the far corner of the examination room without even saying hello to you, and took out his phone. You sighed, and looked over to the screen, where a blurry image appeared. You instantly smiled being able to make out the head of the baby. 

"What's that noise?" Zayn said, standing up and taking a step towards you. 

"That's the baby's heartbeat." Doctor Morris answered. He moved his head to the side and closed an eye to try to work out the image. The doctor moved her finger to the middle of the image, pointing to the baby. "See, that's the head, and those are the little legs"

You smiled, feeling your love grow for your baby. Though you couldn't tell how Zayn was feeling, or if his feelings were changing. "It just looks like a peanut to me." He said. 

Liam (your pov) ~ "Hi, I'm Jean Fischer. I'll be your family advocate." She shook each of your hands across the coffee table in your living room and gave a smile. "So, to start, I have a few questions for you about your background." She began with the questions starting with a basic question: What is your daily routine like? You showed her around the house yoou planned raising your child in, and Liam gave her a full report of your finances. 

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