24 ~ He Talks About You and the Baby

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Niall (his pov) ~ "Niall?" Liam repeated, sitting next to me on the couch backstage at our show in Los Angeles.

"Lad, come back down," Louis joked, waving his hand in front of my face. I quickly looked up, blinking repeatedly, to the eyes of my three bandmates staring at me worriedly, I nodded, running my fingers through my hair. "Thinking about Y/N again?"

The boys laughed and Harry sat down on the floor in front of the couch. "How is she?" he asked.

"She's good. She says she misses you guys. I don't know why," they laughed and Liam patted my knee.

"Its shitty without her on tour with us. You know we love her too, right?" Liam said, and I leaned over and punched him in the arm.

"I know, I just saw her a few days ago and I'm already bored after the shows without her here," Louis said, making my smile grow. It was amazing the affection my best friends had for my wife. I never had to worry, because I knew they would be there for her, and our child, if I couldn't be.

"She says the baby's been kicking her like crazy. She said she hasn't been getting much sleep," I said. I felt awful for not being there with her when she was uncomfortable and in pain. It was hard for me, too. The guilt was weighing on everything I did when I wasn't with her.

"Yeah, Mum says the last few months is the hardest," Louis spoke up, not making me feel any better about the situation. "But listen Niall, don't worry."

"She's a strong woman, she'll be fine," Liam added.

"It's not your fault you can't be there for her. I know she doesn't blame you for it," Louis told me. I shrugged, and sat back on the couch.

"It's really hard, though. I want to be there with her. I'm still excited. It's amazing, knowing she grew our baby inside her. It just feels so surreal that we're going to have a child in a few weeks, and I'm not there with her."

Zayn (his pov) ~ I stood in the backyard with my dad, while Y/N was off with my sisters. It was a nice change to leave London, though the ride here was tough for her. She was restless and she felt sick the entire time. I felt awful, and drove somewhat recklessly, trying to get here sooner so she could leave the car.

My family had been asking for weeks for me to bring her here so they could visit with her before Jaeda was born. My dad was especially happy the was had chosen and Arabic name, and he was even more excited to see us.

"How are you doing with it all," my dad asked as he flipped the chicken on the barbecue. His question snapped me out of my thoughts and tore my eyes away from Y/N who was off on the other side of the garden with Doniya's son playing peek-a-boo.

"Good, yeah, everything is getting better with us. It's tough, definitely," I replied. He patted my shoulder, and went back to manning the barbecue. "Hey, Dad? Can I ask you something?"

"Shoot," he told me.

"What was it like was Mum was pregnant with Doniya?" I asked, toying with the hem of my jacket. He turned to face me, a smile on his face despite my nervous tone.

"Honestly, Zayn, I was scarred. I think every new father is. But it's an amazing experience. It's so exciting, for the both of you," he told me. He then paused, and his smile dropped. "I know it's scary, son. It's scary not knowing what to expect, and its demanding work trying to keep her comfortable and happy. You can only do your best, and that will be enough for her. She loves you, I can see it every time she looks at you."

I looked over him, my eyes glossy. "I already fucked things up. She means the world to me, and now we're having a baby. Everything is changing so fast and its terrifying."

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