08 ~ Starting to Show

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Niall (his pov) ~ I opened the front door, calling out for Y/N. I took my jacket off, and threw it on the nearest hook. I could hear her in the kitchen, singing along to the radio. I walked in, and her smile grew when she saw me.

"Hey Ni," She sang, untying her apron and throwing it onto the table. She turned up the volume, "Dance with me!" I laughed, and took her hands in mine. I spun her around, and did a little dip. Pulling her back up, we began swaying back and forth to the the music with her body pressed against mine.

"What's that smell?" I said into her hair. I sniffed the air, and released her. She gasped, and scrambled to find the oven mits.

"The roast!" She screamed as she opened the oven. Smoke billowed out, causing her to cough. She pulled the pan out, and sitting on it was a blackened piece of meat. She threw it on the counter, and tossed off the mits. She began laughing hysterically, and pushed the hair out of her face. She smoothed down her shirt, that rose up from dancing.

My eyes traveled to her hands, freezing when I saw it. A small bump. "Oh," I heard her whisper. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist resting my hands on hers. She looked up,her teary eyes meeting mine.

"Can't believe it," I whispered. She lent back against me. Something about her smile showed how happy she truly was. I kissed her temple, gently rubbing her little bump.

"Take out?" She asked. I began laughing, and pulled the menus out.

Zayn (his pov) ~ I leaned against the doorway of our bedroom, watching Y/N sleep. Lately the only reason to come in here was to get my clothes. She was lying on the bed, with her eyes closed and her hands resting on her stomach. I've noticed that the pregnancy has taken a lot of her energy, and tht she's been in a lot of pain.

My eyes traveled down her body, from her oversized sweatpants covered legs to her stomach. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of her. My heart nearly stopped when I saw the little bump under her hands. I've heard the heartbeat, and even seen the baby, but seeing her body changing made it feel so much more real. I still didn't want the baby, but I guess I would have to get used to the idea.

I looked back to her face; her nose twitched slightly, scrunching up. Her hand flew up and rubbed her forehead, and her eyes fluttered open. When she saw me, she smiled. No words were said, I think she knew how my feelings were changing.

She suddenly sat up and swung her legs over the edge of the bed, and ran to the toilet. I heard her emptying her stomach, and I slowly walked to the door. "You good?"

She nodded, giving me a thumbs up. I knew, though, she wasn't okay.

Liam (his pov) ~ She was sitting in a big comfy chair in our living room, the news playing on the tv. I walked up behind her, and was planning on surprising her by wrapping my arms around her neck, but then I heard her sniffles. I walked around the the front of the chair, and sure enough her cheeks were wet.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked, kneeling in front of the chair. She wiped her eyes, and smiled shyly. She shook her head. I wiped her cheeks with my palms, and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. "Come on, tell me."

"I- I fell asleep, and I had a dream. I was- I- I was pregnant." She began crying again. I picked her up, and sat on the chair with her in my lap. I knew what she was feeling, I've had dreams like that. But it must be worse for her, because it was her body.

"Please, don't cry." I whispered, pleading. I hated seeing her like this, so sad. "We're getting a baby soon."

Harry (his pov) ~ Standing at the sink, I brushed my hair out and attempted to put it into a bun. I had a busy day of interviews and signings ahead of me, and a concert tonight. My eyes scanned the mirror of the hotel bathroom, focusing on the shower with the glass walls.

"You have that thing at 11, so we can go out for lunch when that's over, and- What are you looking at?" She asked, rinsing the soap out of her hair.

"Nothing," I smiled, shaking my head. My eyes had stopped in her abdomen. There, as she began to condition her hair, I noticed a little curve; a little bump. While I was staring, I didn't hear her talking to me.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked with a small giggle. I didn't answer. Instead, I started to take my clothes off so I could join her in the shower. "No! What are you doing? You'll be late!" She protested, pushing me away from the shower.

"Look, let me come in. No one will care if my hair is wet."

"Fine!" She laughed, moving away so I could come in.

"Look," I said, running my hand over her bare stomach.

"Oh!" She exclaimed, looking down at her skin. "Wow."

"It's so cute. It's amazing," I whispered, before kissing her lips.

Louis (his pov) ~ I quickly put my shoes and jacket on before running back upstairs. "Y/N!" I yelled. We we're going to be late to meet the boys if we didn't leave in the next five minutes. I opened the door to the bedroom and heard her voice coming from the bathroom. She was talking to herself, words I couldn't make out.

I smiled and walked towards the bathroom. The door was mostly closed, so I stopped outside and watched her. She was standing in front of the mirror, looking absolutely stunning in a red and black tight fitted, sequined lace dress. She ran her hands over the sheer material, stopping at her stomach.

"No way," I whispered. She heard me, and turned to me with a wide smiled playing on her face. My eyes widened as I moved to kneel in front of her. I placed my hands on either side of her swollen stomach and looked up at her. "I didn't notice it this morning."

"I know, I've been waiting for you to notice it. It just grew all of a sudden," she replied and ran her hands over my stubbly jawline.

"It's so amazing. I can't- I don't- I just can't believe it. We're having a baby," I said.

"Two," she reminded me, nodding with her eyes filled with tears. I looked back at the little bump and place a kiss on it over her dress.

"I love you," I whispered, standing up to kiss her lips.

"I love you more," She smiled.

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