12 ~ First Kick

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Niall (your pov) ~ You and Niall were watching some new action movie in the bed of your hotel room, covered in the white puffy comforter. He had his arm resting across you stomach and you were tracing shapes on his forearm because he liked it when you did. He had the TV playing quite loud, and explosions were going off every five minutes. You started dozing off, your eyes fluttering closed, when another explosion went off. It startled you, and apparently the baby too, because you felt them kick. 

"Oh my god," you gasped. Niall obviously felt it because he sat up and put his palms where his arm previously lied. A smile creeped up on both your faces when you felt the baby kick again. Niall quickly paused the movie and kissed your lips. 

"Our baby kicked," he whispered excitedly. 

"It tickles," you told him, giggling. As soon as the words came out of your mouth, the baby kicked for the third time, making Niall's smile grow wider. 

"Holy shit, that just happened," he laughed, kissing your lips repeatedly. You were absolutely awestruck. He kept is hands on your protruding baby bump as he leaned into the kiss. "It's definitely real."

You smiled happily, continuing to kiss. "Oof," your grunted, feeling a hard blow just above your bellybutton. "Baby doesn't like that."

Zayn (your pov) ~ "Zayn? Zayn!" You yelled, trying to get his attention. He pulled his ear buds out, and paused his video game. He turned to you angrily.

"What?" He snapped. 

"Do you want tea? I'm boiling the water now," you held up the mug for him to see, with one hand over your stomach protectively. 

"Ya, sure. But not that flowery weird stuff you like." He said, waving his hand and putting his ear buds back in. You could hear the music from where you stood 3 yards behind the couch. You returned to the kitchen, shaking your head, to turn the kettle on. While you waited, you sat at the bar stool and lifted your shirt. Your mum had told you that starting at 16 weeks, you should be feeling the baby move around. But at nearly 20 weeks without a kick, you were beginning to worry. 

You read online that when the mother would move, the baby would be lulled to sleep, but when the mother would sit still, the baby would wake up. So you sat still, and tapped slightly on the side of your stomach. Nothing happened, as you suspected, so when the kettle went off, you poured it into the mugs and took a box of biscuits out of the cupboard, humming the entire time. As you picked up the two mugs and stuffed a biscuit into your mouth, you felt a forceful kick in your stomach, making you jump and drop the mugs. They shattered on kitchen floor, the pieces shattering everywhere. "Shit!"

"Jesus, what happened?" Zayn asked as he walked in to see the scene. 

"I'm sorry, that was your favorite mug," you said, taking a breath. "The baby kicked. It just scared me, is all." You bent down, and began wiping up the spilled tea with a dish rag. 

"She kicked? Is that the first time?" He asked, smiling at you. 

"Ya, no big deal. I got this. I'll make more real quick. Go-" He stopped you by placing his hands over your stomach, which was quite surprising. You couldn't recall anytime he had touched your baby bump. 

"That's our baby," he said quietly. You felt the baby kick again, and Zayn did too because he shot a big smile at you. "Our baby."

He slowly leaned in to kiss you, which you turned away from. "Zayn-"

"Sorry, sorry. Um- okay. You got this. I don't really want the tea anymore. I'm fine. I'm leaving now." He backed away over the shards of ceramic with his hands up apologetically. You weren't ready for that yet, not after he said he didn't want the baby. You were still working to forgive him.

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