Chapter 11-apologies means nothing to me!

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Hello! So I hope yoou guys loved the last chapter although it was short but anyways... I'm happy because I got an award for an excellent gradepoint averge (GPA) :D Listen to the song <3

Victoria pov:

"Miss Anderson!" I was roughly brought back to reality by Mrs.Starks, the algebra teacher. Everyone giggled while Mrs.Starks continue to complain about our generation and mumbling to herself. Soon enough the bell rang. Everyone rushed out for lunch. I, on the other hand, was thinking if I should eat in the cafeteria. I walk over to my locker to dump my books and headed straight for the sweet smelling aroma of pizza! Man, I haven't eaten pizza for a month.

"Hey V!" I was tackled into a hug as I stepped into the cafeteria. Chloe pulled off from me and smiles, "So, what are you going to do tonight?"

"Um, maybe pig out in the family room and watch some reruns of Teen wolf and do my homework. Why do you ask?" I stare at her suspiciously. 

"Well Camille and Ashley was devastated that you couldn't make it to their slumber party, due to you know what. So, we wanted you to hang out tonight as study buddies." She gives me a wide smile.

"Study buddies? Really? Okay I'll think about it." I say as we headed to our table as soon as we finish buying our food. I look up and noticed no one was at our table. "Chloe where is Camille and Ashley?"

"Oh well they skipped lunch to finish their Chemistry project." She says while eating her burger and fries. I nod in understanding. I took a bit in my pizza when I was interrupted.

"Jeez V! Forgot me much?" Stefan playfully shoved me and sat next to me. I noticed he was eating a sandwich.

"Are you seriously going to get full with only one?" I asked him.

"Well I'm not really hungry so yeah." Stefan continue to eat. "You should pay attention to Chloe. She eating that burger like a bird!" Chloe's eyes widen in horror.

"What the fuck you mean? You little annoying prick!" Chloe glared at him. After my 'coma' I found out that Stefan and Chloe got into a huge argurment since they got off the wrong foot.

"Don't call me a prick! The truth hurts babe" Stefan smirked.

"Don't ever call me 'babe'! " Chloe threaten.

"Why? Because it makes you feel giddy?" Stefan taunted her. "I wouldn't be surprised if you like my pretty face and sexy body." Stefan smirks again! Gosh why does all of the boys smirks!

Chloe was now fuming. She took the ketchup that was on the table and smiled mischeiviously. Without blinking, she squirted the ketchup all over Stefan's face, shirt and pants! Everyone gasp and stare at the entertainment. Stefan froze but quickly recovered. Chloe threw the ketchup hitting someone's head and stormed out of the cafeteria. Stefan ran after her as I stare at the table which I was still sitting on, trying to process what had just happened. One word I can describe this event: wow. 

"Are you okay Bella?" I look up to see the three bad musketeers concerning faces.

"Go away Ashton." I say picking up my food tray.

"I'm sorry Bella, Okay? I did a mistake and I should've told you. I'm an idiot and I'll do anything for you to forgive me." He pleads. Pssh! Yeah like that'll work!

"Apologies means nothing to me!" I spat at his face and walk away. Yeah I may seem harsh but what would you do if the guy that stole your first kiss left with out a reason then years later you meet him and he knows who you are but yet keeps it from you.?

I went to class as soon as bell rang. My eyes were stinging me so I went to the bathroom. After i have freshen up I went outside to sit on the bleachers.

"Can I sit here?" I looked up and saw not Ashton, but instead Blake.

"Sure." I offered him a smile.

"So why'd you skipped class?" He asked me while looking at the freshmen attempting to play football (A/N: No offence of course to the freshmen)

"Oh nothing just wanted to take some fresh air. What about you?"

"Same." He says with a polite smile.

I smiled back. I have always love the windy days and the cloudy days. I never have like sunny days. Yeah, I know. I'm weird.

"Look, whatever Ash did to you it's taking a toll on him. So please don't punish him. He's been through a lot and I finally know why he hasn't dated anyone." Blake broke the silence.

"It's not my fault Blake. He should've told me and what do you men about you know the reason he hasn't been dating?"

"He told me about a girl he loved truly. He would've been happy with her but something happened. I wish I can tell you the story, but it's not my place to tell."

I scoffed. It isn't about me. It's not even my fault he left! "Just hear him out. If it was you, you would've wanted him to hear your explanation."

Explanation? What is it that he have to explain? I rolled my eyes and noticed I'm alone. Well goodbye to you too! I kept thinking about what Blake had said. Should I? 

Woohoo! Another update! So what do you think? Do you like it?

A pic of Stefan and Chloe as Dylan O'brien and Hayley Williams :D--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

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