Chapter 16- A walk in the scary forest

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Hi guys! I cant believe I have 800+ readers. Thank you all so much!

On the side song: Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars ft. Mark Ronson

Victoria pov:

Clang! Cling! Clang!

I jolted awake and blinded by the sun. I groan and lied back down on the soft sheet. I turn to see Stefan asleep and snoring softly. The night came flooding back to me like a big storm and I subconsciously wiped my cheek. I snuggled into Stefan's arms and welcomed the warmth.

"Hey." I opened my eyes to find Stefan smiling at me with a goofy grin. 

"How long have you been awake?" I asked him and placed my head on his shoulder.

"A few seconds ago." He says in his morning voice. It sounded husky and yet a hint of sexy in it. Dont take this in a bad way ofcourse.

"Oh. Im still sleepy." I said to him and he laughed softly. Then his face went serious in just a few seconds. I would've asked him what's wrong but I already knew what he was thinking about, the arguement between me and Jace/Ashton.

"Are you okay V?" He asked me and sits up, hugging me in the process.

I didn't answer but a few tears fell. I felt stupid, annoyed, even disappointed. Why the fuck am I crying? I'm such a baby. I can't even handle a small heartbreak! I wanted to slap myself for letting this happened. That's why I,Victoria Anderson, am a player and heartbreaker.

"You know you have really bad morning breath." Stefan laughed softly, trying to make me laugh. It worked.

"Way to make a girl feel comfortable." I say and punch him playfully on the shoulder. I got up and walked away from him. Then I felt a pair of hands on my waist, the next thing I know. I was thrown on the bed. I giggled and turn to see Stefan taking a pillow.

"Say you're sorry." He demanded playfully.

"Or else what?" I taunted him.

Then he shouted a battle cry and charged.

He jumped on the bed and hit me with the pillow and started to tickle me! Oh the horror! I yelled for him to stop, between laughs.

"What's that? I didn't hear you" He say acting as if he was deaf.

"I-am-s-sorry." I yelled between laughs and I even snorted! Revenge is a bitch! I'm going to get you!

"What- We both turn to see Chloe looking at us with wide eyes. She opened and closed her mouth as if she wanted to say something but decide not to. She went out.

He jump off of me and helped me up. I stood up and took my phone while he went to the bathroom. This is your chance! I sneaked into the small closet and hid. I heard a flush and then followed by footsteps.

"V?" Stefan yelled,"Are you in here?"

He sighed and then music blasted out in the room softly. I opened the small window in the closet and saw him dancing Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars and Mark Ronson. I hurriedly look for my phone and started to video it. Tee-hee.I laughed silently in my head.I never saw him dance but yet he dance like if he was headless.

He stopped danced and he switched the song. I hurriedly placed my phone in my pants. I opened the door and he froze. He looks at me nervously.

"W-What are you doing h-here?" He says and abruptly acts as if he was stretching.

"Was in the closet" I answered him innocently.

"Did you see a-anything?" He stammered.

"Um- No. Should I?" I smiled at him.

"No. W-What were you doing in the c-closet?' He was trying to make sure that I didn't see his 'dancing.'

"Looking for an extra charger."

"Oh okay then well I got to go and get ready."

"Yeah me too." I left him and smiled wickedly.

I went to Jace's room and saw he wasn't there. Hallelurer! Praise the Lord! I quickly took a striped turtleneck sweater dress with a pair of leggings and a pair of ankle boots. I quickly took a shower and made my hair wavy with light make up. I went downstairs and found only Stefan eating and Chloe reading some book.

"Hey. Morning." I greeted Chloe and she smiles warmingly at me.

"Food is at the table. Dylan made it." She smiles and blushes. Something is going on here.

I took a seat and inhaled the pancake with strawberries. I took a bite and ate it hungrily. I felt someone staring at me. I look up to see Stefan looking at me with his eyes wide opened.

"What? I grew warts on my face?" I said to him. He rolled his eyes.

"Actually, I was wondering how come you didn't even acknowledged me. I am right in front of you!" He say and waves his hands infront of him. I ignored him and kept eating my pancakes.

"Okay. Let's go."I look up and saw Chloe and Dylan hand in hand.

"Um... Where?" I asked.

"In the forest. Duh!" Chloe answers.


"We have been cooped up in this cabin for three days are you seriously asking why?" Chloe say with a Are-you-serious? face. I groan and took the last bite on my pancake.


"I cant believe you did this! I thought you said you knew where we were going!" Chloe shouted at Dylan. He chuckled nervously.

Well let me start from the top. We went to walk in the forest and met up with the rest of the guys. I found out Chloe and Dylan were together now, so they are now 'Chloan'. Anyways I haven't spoke to Jace and nor has he. I stayed with Stefan along the way but then Dylan announced that we were now lost. It is now night. Yup! We stayed out here from 9:10 am to now 9:15+ pm. Thank God I bought my thick coat.

"I'm sorry. I thought I knew it good too but...." Dylan explain but Chloe interrupted him.

"You thought?!? ARGHHHH!!!!!!" Chloe let out a frustrating sound along with a 'who?' We all stared at Chloe. She looks around.

"I didn't say that!" She quickly answered. We all looked around each other. I was scared. I hugged Stefan tighter. He chuckled softly for only me to hear it.

"Ashton thinks I like you." Stefan whispered in my ear.

"What makes you think that?" I whispered back.

"Guys we are trying to find our way back. Please stop making kissy faces and help."Jace says and rolls his eyes.

"Told ya." Stefan say and chuckles again. Jace thinks he can get away with it? You are deadly wrong mister!

"Don't come and try...." I started but was interrupted by Chloe.

"Okay. No fighting. Let's work together and find the cabin." She say with a smile, "Let's split up."

"Are you nuts?" Blake shouted but then realized something and shut his mouth,"Wait...That's a great idea."

She split us up in twos. I got Jace. She got Dylan whereas,Stefan got Blake. I sighed and we went our ways. Jace walked side of me. Then there was a rustle and I turn and found glowing eyes! What the fuck is that? 

AAAANNNNNNDDDDDD CUT! Hehehe you got a cliff hanger. :P :P

Pic of CHLOAN to the side----------------------------------------------------------------->

Please don't kill me!


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