Chapter 24-Help me

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Hey guys! Well I'm using my phone to do this chapter update. My tablet I think got over heated because I was watching the vampire diaries all day. Anyways I hope that you enjoy this chapter and if you noticed i haven't updated a picture for the book yet but i really hope i can post one ASAP.

Enjoy!! :-D

Victoria's pov:

Three days, two hours and 12 minutes. That's how long i stayed in my room, not wanting Nina to find out and also for coming up a plan. For what? I have no idea. I just know i need to plan something. Now that Jackson is back, chaos will happen. Along with his little puppet Lilith. Nina was worried and would always come to check up on me. I simply told her I'm fine and need some time to think about something. I won't tell her as yet. My parents would be so furious and disappointed if i told them. But it won't matter since they treat me like a disappointment to them and always leave me. Of course they had to work, but they will barely call and would just send me expensive things for my birthday or ECT.

"Victoria," A voice called at the other aide of my door, "It's Stefan."

My eyes widen in fear. Shit! I ran up and quickly dispose of the used tissues and kinda fixed my smeared make up.

"It's open." i simply said and sat on the window seat with a random book i found carelessly thrown around my room.

"Hey. Are you okay?" He smiles and sits next to me.

"Yeah, why not?" i smiled and place the book away.

"Well for starters, you look as if you haven't slept for days and your breath stinks." He grabs my hand and looks at me intently in the eyes. Worry was lucid in his face and his eyes held pain. I'm hurting him.

My eyes starts to sting and  I removed my gaze and directed it to the ground.

"Ste-Stefan-I'm pregnant." I breathe out and my tears starts to roll down.

"W-What?" He looks at me in confusion and let out a breath. He lifts my face up and looks at me.

"I'm fucking pregnant for Ashton." I cried and he pulled me into a hug.

"Shh." he soothed, "It's okay. He loves you."

"I-I don't think i can tell him."  i tried to control my breathing.

"You have to. He deserves  to know." he gave me his bottle of water from his bag and i drank it.

"Thanks Stefan." I smiled and hugged him tight.

" Now, how about you take a shower and let us go to press and grinds." he smirks and wiggled his eyebrows. I laughed slightly and got up to go shower.

After peeling off the stinking clothes i threw it in the dirty clothes hamper and started to wash off the sweat and stench off my skin. I got out and saw Stefan playing on his phone.

"So how's everyone?" i asked and took out a white top that said chanel and a pair of dark washed jeans paired with a black vans.

"They're fine. " He says thoughtfully. "They are still worried about you."

I nodded my head and finished up my look. "Let's go."

I kissed Nina goodbye and left with Stefan in his gorgeous car. The radio hummed a tune i knew and i blared the radio up. It was Ariana Grande-Why try. I started to sing and nod my head to the song.

"Let's go." he shut off the car and open the door for me. I got out and inhaled the strong smell of coffee lingering in the cafe.

"A black coffee with two scoops of sugar and a latte." he said to the cashier and gave a $10 bill."Keep the change."

We sat together in a booth. "So you got pregnant when you had sex with him at the cabin?"

"Yeah. I just can't believe that I'm pregnant."

"Listen, we are all here for you okay?" He takes a sip.


"Yeah. You have to tell them."

"You're right." I smile and about to drink my coffee but Stefan rip it out of my grasp and sip it.

"Shit! This fucking taste bitter!" he cursed loudly.

"You're the fool for taking a sip off of it." I rolled my eyes.

He took out his phone and started to text someone. I took out mine too and played flappy bird.

"Hey, let's go. Caroline wants to hang out with me." he smiled happily. He's whipped.

"I think I'm going to stay a bit." I muttered. I don't want him to drop me off and then drive at Chole's to hang out with Caroline. Yeah, Caroline stayed at Chloe because she thinks I need my space. How I know? Nina told me.

"What? No." He says.

"Stef. I'm going to be fine. I want to go to the book store to clear my mind and I'm going to call one of the security guards to take me home." He looks hesitant but hugs me before leaving.

I got up and walked to the book store. The clouds were getting cloudy and a tiny rumble sounded. Just fucking great! I sighed and hurriedly walked to the library when a black Chevrolet SUV drives slowly next to me. I turn to see the license plate and I it was strangely familiar. Just then it parked and I hurriedly walked and then it clicked.

"Mark" I breathed out.

"Ding, ding, ding!" a voice erupted and placed a hand over my mouth. I struggled to be free. I tried to kick his feet or something but it didn't work. I jab my elbow into his stomach and he hissed in pain.

"Fucking bitch!" he bellowed and slam a fist on my cheek. A stinging pain formed on my cheek and my tears threaten to fall. This can't happened again! They fucking said he was in prison and I would be safe.

Then me slam a gun at my head making me go unconscious.

"Help me."

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