Chapter 28-Trap part 1

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Hello! I do hope you have a wonderful day! Teen wolfers you know what today is (Moonday!)


Victoria pov:

A sharp pain hit my rib cage as I was woken up. Mark glares at me in disgust and spat at me to sit up. I painfully sat and look at him in his eyes, although I couldn't defend myself, I was no coward.

"I want you to meet someone princess." He sneers and moves as side, revealing a tall woman with black raven like hair. Her eyes held no emotion and her lips were pressed tightly. She wore leather black pants with a faded black tank top paired with a cropped leather jacket. She seemed tall even with her black ankel boots. She wore light make up but it was evidentthat she was around mid twenties."This is Isabel."

" Excellent Mark." She smirks and walks towards me. She looks at me as if I were a prey. Her eyes examine each part of me. She then lefts a strand of my hair. I move my head away from her nasty hands.

She smirks and then slaps me. My cheek burned and I glare at her, hoping that she would burn right here. She was not human. No human would not flinch nor feel remorse when hitting a person younger. I pitied her and Mark.

"Show me respect little bitch! I am not the one you wanna get on my bad side. Your parents are the reason I rotted in jail for 5 years. I will not tolerate no disrespect from their child." she spoke to me. Mark smirks and whispers something in her ear. She waved her hand in dismissal and he left.

"Your little boyfriend, as Mark thinks, will probably be here. It seems he is willing to give his life for you and your child." she chuckles.

"Ho-how did you know?" I manage to find my voice. Something passed in her eyes, sadness.

"Because, I was once pregnant. My son was 4 years and my husband was thrilled. Little did I know that we were getting bankrupt. Him being used to his rich ways, he called your parents for help." she says and then her voice became angry, "Your parents refused to help because of their foolish idea of helping to make the world a better place!  We tried seeking for help but we lost the case so we were broke. He got mad and killed his son-my son! I was so hurt and mad that I took the knife and stab him clean to his heart. Then I was thrown to jail only because your parents didn't want to help us!"

"You killed your husband! It was your choice to commit a murder. My parents are not to bl-" I said and she slaps me before I could finish.

"You don't fucking get it! If your parents would have help, we wouldn't have gotten bankrupt and my son would have been 9 years! He would be alive" she says and she walks out, "Hope that your boyfriend isn't stupid to think that he found you."

I widen my eyes in realization. Ashton will think he would find me but he would walk into their trap. My tears slipped out as I cried silently.

Ashton Pov:

I fixed my jacket before i left my room. I was in full black outfit and armed with my pistol and i had on my bullet vest thanks to Butch. I came downstairs and found all of the guys in their gear along with the girls.

"Why the hell are the girls geared up?" I asked and Chloe gave me a look.

"Victoria is our friend too! We are going to save her!" she snaps.

"Then who is taking care of Dylan?" I snort .

"Her parents are taking care of him." Dylan smiles happily.

"And plus Victoria is my cousin and she would do it if it were us." Caroline says as she waits for Stefan to strap her bullet vest on.

"Fine, whatever." I say and double check my ammunition.

We all got in the SUV and I said the directions to Blake.

"So mind explaining the plan again?" Stefan mutters.

" The place is a warehouse. So Stefan and Caroline you will guard outside the perimeter and Chloe you will stay in the SUV and be ready for us. Blake and Dylan will watch my back as we look for Victoria and Mark and Isabel."

"Great, I will miss out the action!" Chloe grumbles.

"No! You will need to drive us fast as we get out of the place." I said

 Blake park the car on the corner and hands Chloe the keys. We all took out our pistols and I motion Stefan and Caroline to go around the perimeter. Blake whispers in my ear.

"I'll take the lead because i have faster reflexes."

"Fine." I muttered

He opens the door and it creaks. I gripped my pistol and take off the safety. We took long strolls into the warehouse . The place was dark since it was 6 pm. Blake glances around then a gunshot sounded from the top. Blake jumped to the back and dashed for cover as we did the same. There was no cover only the poles. We looked up and saw no one there. We looked at each other.

"Split. Dylan you take east, Blake take west, I will take north." I whispered and we split.

As I continue to walk up, another gunshot sounded. I shot a bullet from the direction From where the gunshot sounded.

"Fuck!" Blake yelled from far. I ran to his side to see him bleeding through the gunshot wound on his leg.

"Apply pressure." I rip a piece of my shirt and tied it on his leg.

"Go!" he muttered and another gunshot hit the pole near me. I looked up and I shot the shadow.

"Lets go! I'll take you with me." I tried lifting me up but he slap my hands away.

"Go north! I will be fine. I'll go west." he got up and walked. I was tempted to take him with me but I decided not.

I walked up north when a pain hit my on my arm.

"Your going to die Mr.McKay." I heard a shout from the direction i got shot at.

"Show yourself Mark!" I yelled.

He came out from the shadows. He smiles and then cocks the gun. "Any last words?"


Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! No!!! Cliffhanger!

Well like I said I would split this chapter into two!

Don't worry I will try to update earlier! 


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