Chapter 7-Fight and Drama

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OMFG!!!!!!!!! I got 108 readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you guys so much! I literally jumped around! Those people who followed me and those who commented and voted THANK YOU!!!! I love you guys so much.

Remember if you have suggestions please comment or PM me.

Ashton pov:

I parked my baby and went inside the mansion, thinking about my Bella. I still remember she blushed when I kissed her cheek and when I got closer to her. She may have her protective walls up but yet I mangged to knocked them down slowly. Since she told me about her parents' and her relationship was strained, I wanted to let her know she wasn't alone. She had me, but sadly she didn't fully trust I, Ashton McKay, But instead Jace McKay. She was probably hates the old me, Jace McKay.

I sighed and got inside my room. I quickly did my homework, yeah I know. Why does the badboy do his homework? Well unlike some rich teenage guy, I for one wanted to have an education to secure my future.

"Jace, honey, can I come in?" The voice belong to my mother. She was an American and my father is a Britian. He was doing business trips when he got lost and my mother was working at a flower shop. She was at that time 17 and my father had already inherit the company. They met and fell in love they got married by the age of 20 and 21. Despite they took me away from my first girlfriend, they were my parents and I loved them.

"Sure mother." I answered and place my glasses on my desk. Yeah I wear glasses but when I go to school, I wear contacts. I already liked my reputation except for the rumors of course.

"Honey, your father and I will be going to a business trip tonight. Will it be okay if you took care of your little sister? The babysitter is going into maternity leave and I trust that you are responsible to take care of her." She said to me firmly. She was a strict mom but yet she can act like a teenager. She had me when she was 24 and my little sister at 29.

"But mother, can't you hire someone to take care of her?" I complained and pouted.

"This trip is important and just came up 1 hour ago. And your father didn't know how to take care of a child, so I want you to learn. When you have kids, your wife can relax a bit while you take care of the children." She spoke.

"But mom..." I continue to complain and pout.

"Ashton Jace McKay! You do as I say or else no car, no gym, and no more having your friends over!" She demanded me. I obeyed and she left. I got out of my bed and head for the shower. Then I drifted off to sleep as soon as my face hit the pillow.


"Avery, hurry up!" I yelled at my 11 year old sister who took her time to go down the stairs.

"I'm coming jeez!" She grumpily slammed my baby's door!

"Don't  fucking put your anger on my baby!" she sighed and rolled her eyes.

In 7 minutes, I reached in front of her school. She smiled and hugged me, then got out. I saw all most all of the girls looking at her in disgust and guys looking at her. I couldn't help but smile when I drove off. She had my father's hair which was brown and my mother's features. I had my mother's hair and my father's features. I was born in England and so did Avery but she grew up here.

I'm about to lose my mind, you've been gone for so long....

I put my iphone on speaker and saw it was Victoria, known as my Bella.

"Yes my darling?" I smirked when I told her that.

"Um Ashton...." She says shyly. Aww! That's so cute! What the fuck? I said cute? UGH! Damn you DYLAN!

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