Bonus Chapter

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Hello! Merry Christmas or Feliz Navidad! This was supposed to be your gift but then I took long writing it.  I hope you are having a splendid Christmas and happy new year! As you can see, yes, I'm giving you guys a Christmas gift and a New Years gift! This year has been both happy and depressing for me. I don't normally say this to anyone but I just have some major issues but not like poverty kind of issues although that is so sad. I'm not saying this get pity or anything but I just want you guys to feel that your not alone and you have a lot of people who loves you and this is life, shit happens. Okay? I just want you guys to just know that I love you guys and I appreciate everything you guys have done to make me feel that I am not just some pretty girl that is stereotypical. I have so may people that gets surprise that I love reading and writing. I feel that I haven't spoken to you guys like a decent conversation and I thought that if I don't talk to you guys, then how will you guys talk to me? That's why  at the end of the book, like the very end, I will talk to you guys about me and ect. Just want you guys to comment your questions or P.M me and I will gladly answer them. Okay? I love you guys so so much. 

Victoria POV:

The day has come. Time just flew past me and I haven't gotten time to just relax and actually thought, I am getting married. I'm getting married on December 30th of 2015 in New Zealand. Yeah, my parents and Mrs.McKay planned my wedding along with Chloe as my maid of honor. I  slipped off my shoes and lay on my hotel bed, unable to nod off. I sighed frustratedly and sat up and turned back the lights on. I opened my suitcase and took out my album and browsed it.  I smiled when I noticed a baby picture from when I was just born. My mother and father looked genuinely happy. Then I turn to another page and saw me first learning to ride a bike. Gosh, I miss those days, carefree, special, stubborn. I finally decided that I must get some sleep. I turned off the lights and hugged the album filled with memories. 

"Babe," A voice interrupted my sleep, "Baby." 

I startled awake to find Ashton on my door. I hurriedly got up and wrapped a robe around my being. "What are you doing here babe?" 

"I have a surprise, come." He smiled as I opened my door. I checked the clock and saw it 3 am. 

"Okay." I said and rushed to my closet and threw on a grey t-shirt and a sweat pants and a pair of tennis. 

"Watch your step." He said as I locked the door. We finally reached at check out and in area of the hotel and he hugs me tightly and kissed me. I smiled and hugged him. 

"I missed you. I couldn't sleep at all." I said as we entered his range rover.

"I missed you too baby. " He smiled and holds my hand as he drove out of the city. 

"Where are we going this early?" I muttered as I looked around my surrounding. Everywhere was dark and the forest surrounded us. 

"It's a surprise babe." He brought up my hand which was in his grasp and kissed it. I smiled and blush, even if we are about to get married in 14 hours, he still has the effect on me. 

"Okay then baby." I smiled and curled on my chair. 

"Baby, get up." He shook me gently and kissed my forehead. I smiled and kissed him as he was about to pull away. 

"I don't mind waking up like this everyday." I smiled and he laughs. 

"Come on babe, it's almost time." He muttered. "As much as I want to let you sleep, but this is my last surprise before our wedding."

"Okay then baby. " I got out and saw we were in a clearing in a forest. I took out my phone and saw it was 3:45 am. The cool breeze blew my hair and I slightly shivered but kept quiet.

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