Chapter 31-I love you forever

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Oh my gosh! It's been a month already?! I'm so sorry. Like a thousand times sorry. I am the worst person alive right now and author! Please forgive me! Please, I'm kneeling down on broken glasses. I will give you a 'I'm sorry for the long wait' gift, read at the end of the chapter! Please, kick back and enjoy the chapter.

Victoria's Pov:

Staying home all day was boring me and having my friends sometimes come and go the next day. Chloe came to visit every night when she could and Caroline went back to California before I got suspended, well drop out actually. Dylan would come sometimes with Chloe and Blake surprisingly came to see me everyday. Stefan came to check on me everyday and stayed on the guest room to keep me company. My parents stuck in their 'home office' all day but checked on me nevertheless.

"Hey," I looked up from my book i was presently reading and saw Stefan in a black polo shirt with a pair of skinny jeans paired off with a brownish colored biker boots.

"Hey, heading off to school already?" I smiled.

"Yeah, got some assignments to copy off from someone." He laughs lightly and takes a seat next to me.

"Caroline kept you away from your homework?" I laughed lightly. I place a bookmark on the page and closed it.

"Yeah. You heard?" He mutters. I laughed again and I smiled.Stefan has always been there for me through thick and thin and sometimes I wonder if it would be the same when he marries or when I have my kid or kids.

"Yeah, well actually she texted me late saying that I should check up on you." I replied. He nods his head in understanding and hugs me, bidding me goodbye.

After he left I got up and got ready. It has been a month and a half and my stomach was showing a bit. I got morning sickness often but not alot. I pulled on a jacket and ran a hand on my dress and looked once more in the mirror. Dark circles were evident around my eyes from the sleepless night and in my opinion i looked fat. I sighed in discontent picked up a toast on my way to my car.

The hospital was nothing unusual. I headed straight to Ashton's bedroom ,like every other day, and sat and spoke to him as if he was actually there. People might call me crazy for talking to a person who can't even hear me but I have hope. That's the only thing that made me not give up everything I have.

"Vicky?" A familiar voice sounded, "Victoria?"

I jolted awake and see if my ears were deceiving me "Ashton?"

I looked up and saw that it was Blake. "Actually Blake."

"Sorry," I sighed and wipe the sleep off my eyes, "I thought it was him. What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be at school?"

I looked out the window and it appears to be afternoon."Yeah, but it's lunch so I figured that maybe you might need some company. Wanna get some lunch?"

"Sure. Thanks." I smiled and kissed Ashton's cheek. "Be right back Ash." I whispered softly.

We walked down the hospital's cafeteria and I bought a chicken salad and some water while Blake brought two sandwiches and a Dr. Pepper.

We made small talk and spoke about Ashton's condition and his childhood. We spoke about school and he then blurts something that caught my attention.

"So what are you going to do when Ashton wakes up?" He says as he takes a bite off his sandwich. 

"I honestly have no idea. I mean, I would hug him and kiss him but after that, I'm not sure." I said. I do love Ashton but he risked his life for me. I totally understood his reason but I cannot bear that our child would not have Ashton with us. 

"Yeah it's kind of hard I guess." He smiles reassuring me. 

"Miss Anderson?" I looked up and saw a nurse hovering over me. 

"Yes?" I smiled, praying that she told me he was awake. 

"Ashton has shown some signs of waking up." SHe smiles. I jumped out of my seat and hugged the nurse.

"Are you sure?" Blake asked, standing up. 

"Yes, I am positive." She smiled.

"Thank you so much for informing us." I hugged her and rushed to Ashton's room with Blake hot on my heels. 

"Don't run to fast Victoria!" Blake yelled but i didn't care, all I wanted was Ashton.

I ran to his bedside and kissed him on his hands and his face. My tears slid my eyes to his face and hands. 

"Ashton please wake up! Please! I miss you and I need y-"

"Vicky?" I looked up and my eyes felled. 

Hello! Well cliffhanger! Whoopsie! ;) Anyways, what did you think? I know it is not a good chapter nor is it a great way to end a chapter. Oh well. My surprise is.... Another chapter! Yay! One more awesome chapter. Wait, let me fix this stupid autocorrect. I meant TWO CHAPTERS more! TWO MORE FUDGING CHAPTERS! YAY! I know you love me! I hope. :D 


And another surprise, I renewed my new book now since i had my ex 'bestfriend' in it so now I will take him off.  Yay! So when I upload the new and IMPROVED The Million Dollar Love Project then I will inform you all and please I beg of you, read it. I will be hopefully posting some pics. Btw that is Victoria and Ashton. Credit to whoever made this photo because it looks great!

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