Special Announcement

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Hello my beauts! I am beyond astonished by the votes and comment this book has been getting dispite the grammatical errors. I honestly have no words but to say thank you. Weather you are a silent reader, voter, commenter, or follower, in any way that you have contributed toward this book's success, thank you! Without your curiosity and your hobbies, my dream would have never been accomplished. When I first joined Wattpad, I had no intention in writing a book, I thought of myself as only a reader although I wrote a lot of creative essays for school. Then, I started to have this fantasy, you know, the kind you get when you really want a book this way or that? That's how I first started to write. Now, on another note, I decided that I didn't want to write a sequel for this book because well, I was afraid the story will get dragged on and plus, not much people had requested it. But now that the book is getting recognized, I would like to ask again, would you like me to write a sequel? If you do, I wouldn't mind, I am in your dept. Plus, I have an idea what the second book will be like if you do want one. If not, then we can leave this book after I write the epilogue (which I promise I would do but I always forget. I'm so sorry about that!).

I HAVE A HUGE CHANGE I WOULD LIKE TO CONFIRM. The book: The Bad Ass Nerd will no longer be labled like that. The NEW name will be 'It Started With A Kiss' The reason I'm changing it is because because my best friend opened my eyes as to why perhaps I havent gotten a lot of views like the others is because perhaps the name of the book is too cliché. I totally agreed with her, like if you first read the name, you lose intrest so I am changing it. Please don't be confused, I will be putting it in the description of the book and also have it next to the title.

Once more, a huge thank you! Victoria, Ashton and the gang wouldn't have exist if it weren't for your votes and comments. My followers, thank you so very much. I really hope that I do reach up to at least a 100 followers, it's one of my wish list, shhh! If you haven't followed me, follow me ASAP to get the latest info of my books.

The epilogue will most likely be updated around July. I am sorry for the long wait, but I promise I will make it long and worth the wait.

Love always and forever,

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