Chapter 4-Fifty Shades of Red

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Victoria's Point of View:

You know that cliché little group which belonged to Queen B in high school? Well that shit happens here too. The wicked witch of the west and her fucking flying monkeys strut down the hallway, right after Mr.Gilbert's preach to me at his office. She was a typical slut, clothes that didn't fit her and makeup like a face armor.

"Victoria?" She quirks up her eyebrows as she distastefully said my name. Her face was full of disgust as she eyed me down. And here I thought I was suppose to be disgusted.

"What do you want?" I said, bored, wanting to get away from this fucking hall.

"Look, I'm feeling nice today, " She grins, showing off her perfect white teeth, "So, let me give you straight up. You fucking touch Ashton or even glance at him, and  you will fucking regret it."

"Wait, you're threatening me?" I asked, amused. God! She is his girlfriend?! He is a sad excuse of a 'bad boy' "Well, first off, don't think you can threaten me with your poor manicured nails. Secondly, did Ashton tell his dogs to come fight me? And lastly, don't you have flying monkeys to train or running with the circus?"

Her face boiled in embarrassment and anger.

"Look! Don't talk to Lillith like that!" Flying monkey number 2 defends, "She pays $50 for a manicure! And she owns the circus!"

I smirked, and turned around as Lillith scolds her flying monkey for saying something stupid.

"Hey!" Lillith screeched, "I'm not done with you!"

"Well, babe," I turned, "I'm done with you."

I turn back as I made my way down the hall. She suddenly grabs my shoulder, and in defense, I grabbed her hand and twisted it and turn around.

"You fucking bitch!" She hissed as her flying monkeys watched, shocked, "Let me go!"

"Next time," I growled, "Don't fucking touch me with your man hands."

I pushed her away from me as she stumbled. "You will fucking regret you did that you slut! I will make your life miserable."

"Sure, you are." I laughed as I walked away. I could feel their glares behind me. Bitch, what you going to do? I smirked and walked out.

**At Lunch**

Chloe somehow found me in the halls, wondering. She practically dragged me to the cafeteria, chattering about some kind of gossip. I barely heard her. I was busy thinking about what Mr.Gilbert had said.

"You are off the hook this time," He warned, "If I get another report of you being disruptive in class and your classmates, I will not hesitate to call your parents."

If he calls my parents, I'm dead. They had already told me that they don't want any shit from schools. If they do, they will take away my gym time, and I will be grounded.

"Victoria!" I snapped my head up. Chloe rolls her eyes, "Are you listening to me girl?"

"Sorry," I muttered and took a bite of my taco, "I spaced out."

"I noticed!" She smiles, "Anyway, as I was saying, everyone at school is talking about you."

"Wait, what?" I turn to her, everyone?

"Yeah!" She smiles proudly, "I never thought that you would be the one to punch Ashton and get away with it. And don't even get me started with the Lillith and her plastic friends."

"So that her name?" I smirked. Looks like someone saw what happened, "The wicked witch of the west tried to threaten me and for me to stay away from Ashton. And then her flying monkey tried to defend her but she made it worse. "

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