C76: "Dragon"

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They walked by a time until arriving to a ravine, then that elderly exclaim:

-We have arrived, they do the preparations- while the men disassembled his mounts and saved them atravez of papyruses or other artifacts.

-Pokeballs?- Pensoo lia When seeing this, seemed as if they were pokemons being saved; She was marvelled with these articles wanted to obtain one to investigate it. However it remembered that it was in a situation complicated, so that shook his head to go back to  the reality. She do not look the cliff and asked  where be to the clan that had mentioned them that main gentleman.

-Rooooar!- I exclaim breaking his cloths and turning into a Dragon oriental giant, all the 1000 began to subirsele to the killing to his flakes. She in front of this only could say:
-Or my D....- But it was interrupted because the 1000 while  they went up pushed them to go up  to the dragon, when seeming this elderly was a divine beast. They helped to tie to the 7 of the flakes of the dragon. East was a fierce albino dragon oriental com wings empinadas . Almost that seemed ketzalcoa but was not so emplumado as for seemsrsele.

She soon saw a castle between the nuves and remain  more bowhatuiabierta of what was, the other were the same of impressed by the situation but of fear; whereas she only appreciated the beauty of to where went. To the other concerned them the power of these strengths and what them depararia.

-Very very bajense- said the dragon malhumorado, going back to his human form while it dressed  doing use of clothes saved in some dimensional space. This elderly seemed very temperamental- The other go back to his positions will carry to our guests to see to the leader of the sect, there are things that have to speak him first so that go to have to expect- after  saying this look to the group while it led the way, being in terrain enemy knew that they would not dare to do at all extralo; this elderly gentleman was a bit pester for having to treat them well. The other did not know the prowhatue of his attitude but could not oponer resistance and left  be.

-They expect awhatui- said the elderly after a super long trek, in which they happened several beautiful places; they happened Palace after Palace. All beautiful and decorated and east was the biggest and impressive; with some almost infinite stairs to attain arrive to the. The proportions were as so that it knew comfortably the elderly in his form dragon and all eataba adapted as for the forms of a be as the. Surely the leader of the sect was also a Dragon.

After  hours of wait a young man arrives accompanied of elderly.

-So That is Miss is the one who violó the law of the sky eh?- It said a bit injurioso.

-Hear to move you away of my wife- said the 4 at the same time after  noticing it.

-jajajajajaj, if they share it between you Because it would have to pester him that there is one more? By what see she is not facil  to  satiate- said whatueriendoles cause a bit, but afterwards calm them- interests Me only his knowledge have calm, ewhatually congratulate them this girl eata good- the could see the beauty in her apeaar that it followed unseen. Very surely thanks to the odd skill of perception that the old showed, without being dragon or no surely also the taenia; or able that had a better.

The other calmed  a bit to the by this and the youngster said:

-Llamenme Emperor, remain calm that neither go to ask him that it work free in return of the help of her; them east to each one a drop  of blood of dragon. I guarantee them that it is it goes to possess the richest of the essences, this goes to be that it was much esoer his crop; in addition to that will increase by a lot of his strength fisica- doing a small pause- besides that for a youngster that attained the dragonificacion this is something beneficial since it allows him complete the process,  although for this rewhatuires  much more that a drop; however if they are generous I will be it tambien- said this greedy youngster. The notice all the concepts in her and what offered was very little to comparison, poraue in the castle if something sobraba was the blood of dragon; instead what possessed she was impossible to obtain although the convirietmran in a caldero of crop.

Besides if it gave them his blood could control them atravez of her without that they knew it more advance, this only would be to increase his strength by what did not see of bad strengthen it of this way; it was to increase the strengths that already d and in case this young emperor had. Besides so little it is as if they could deny . The other knew it, breathing relieved that it Wraps possessed something valuable to keep them alive. They sabian that there was something unseen in all this, but knew that although they would finish losing the freedom could not repressed a lot.

Or at least during 500 years this was sufficient  time, or almenos they expected that it was so. The stops satisfy did a swearing of the sky promising that it would not hurt them during is whatuantity d time to all including to Lía the one who did not have the blessing of the sky, besides added that all in the castle or under his control the take care it and trained. By what relax a lot of tension of his shoulders.

500 years for a Dragon is only a blink, they in this time pued and sleep and relax a bit; but definitively they will not remain  of vagos after all once finished the term the could do them anything. However this man was being hospitable, taking into account the wild and tyrannical of this world seemed this. The did not do charity, maybe in this time can go back important members in this society; once attained this does not go to matter if it finishes them  the time. Since they would be part of his strength.

They know that the wants to absorverlos in his hand bélica, the truth this is a good stage; only they have to show his cost so that they do not kill them. Which is not unfair for them. After all in this world where the strongest only to to the feeble, there is not at all of bad in asking to the one who follow you that it show that it goes to be able to help you to the hour to litigate.

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