C18: "happening the time with a fellow"

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Although in the night the rank earth rank dps would go out were few hardly if there weren 3 in this realm and now the was to the pair. The razonde this  debia to what to the light of the moon the whatui espiritu was but strong and podrian culrivar his whati spiritual under his light. This only was them possible for being beasts, ppr be of the rank earth and only podrian do it hatsa the initial realm eapiritu with difficulty; the procesp was little efficient. These beasts avoided the spiritual zones because of the prdenes of his masters, no podian desobedecer to his agreements, it what but longed for was vetoes it of the mine and go up to deep rank. Although this was possible, the owners sabian what if the hacian podrian llegsr to break his agreements and rebel. By the what  there weren asegursdo that no pudiersn approached to her with help of matrices, the unico what podia was yogui and this was because the there weren configirado apra what his species could happen; the bosses of the sect baio  are of the 1er realm of the earth, to his time are of the intermediate realm espiritu by very little. By it what thanks to this can ternerlas to line to weigh  that his rank is upper to the of them, because of what these do not possess ningun spiritual power.

When going in in an upper realm to the of the water any beast podria go back able to cultivate whatui espiritu if no podia because of the impurities of his linea of blood. This did not affect to his capacity of crop later as with the humans, but if them erwhat sificil go up of level and but even break the brecha of ranks.

Lia that means yogui?- I ask him to his teacher the bear.

It means what are but smart what other bears- with face of poker and mintiendo,  well was not a lie can do reference to this.

The  impact but intelligent what lso other sera that the teacher saw something special in my type of body?- penso For if yogui, because but would be but smart that other bears of his species.

Lia does not mean nothing in particular- said she without that it ask to divert the subject, gave him verguenza call it of this way.

Entendia what Was comun in a mundon so what these beasts pudieram have human intelligence, and what learnt to speak when going up of rank. Like knowing what the the entendia? And what ademas the apodo in joke it there were taken.

Debi Call it different in what I speak me-  arrepinto was so put in other subjects, as his family and his school, what ignore this.

Already there are whatuite a lot no- said she when seeing the red fishes in a battery again, yesterday ate 20 between the two- nose if it was necessary to fish other 20 today- said him, when seeing the ten red fishes in the soil.
It is truth said him the leaving the cane of fishing- is whatuite relajante, is almost like meditar- said him yugi.

Yesterday we ate so many due to the fact that yogui debia recover the whatui what perdio in litigates it, today only debia eat for amntener his level of calorias since the whatui martial provisto was not him for so much.

No whatuiseranterminar affecting to the biodiversidad dle rio if pesvamos toso the dias so many, want to see to use his meat of carnada to see what goes out tomorrow so what leave one without eating- intruyo lia.

Rio? Biodivesridad?, cual rio master and that it is the second? That does...Food?- yogui Ask him.
The biodiversidad   refuere to the whatuantity of different species of animals cohabitanfonun inhabit cre, what was treating to say is that I do not want to abuse but me salio so okey; and with rio this what this aca in front no time?. Alla In front this the another coast and this turbulent water is the discharge- lia cleared him, probably the conecpto of rio does not understand it she penso a second.

Teacher this is not a rio, this island always of moves by the currents of the oseano; it what see in front is the another continent, of see in cuabdo approach the sufficient what until haven contact- the wise person this because of the memories left in his linea of blood, the wise what this ocurria once each 1000 years by the what debia take advantage of the contact of continetes to migrate to zones of espiritu but rich.

The flow of water around the continent found  in turbulejcia febido to what in two weeks entrarian em contact and the island found  in process of braked, flowing almost to contracorrient generating eddies and etc.

It is truth with razon sees  what the another side this but near yesterday almost neither  veia today sees  but clear- lia him respondio

The pesces of the what fed  were of low degree due to the fact that his parents there weren gone to leave his eggs in a system of cave what there was underneath of the island allowing them  grow until being the sufficiently. Strong as to go to compete with other fishes of the ocean.

The island in if auyentaba to marine creatures by on top of the rank earth but the demas  podian go approaching depending of the rank what tivieren. This thank you what in ancient times a martial artist of the rank metal established  in the island by fault of his injuries, establishing in her a matrix with the resources what had brought of his trips.

It had had  what escaped a remote place because of sis mortal enemies looking forward to recover to take venganza it what never step.

The island was something tabú because it was a place with strong beasts in which always there was chaos anybody dared to go there peeo thanks to his matrix the energias of the sky and of the earth happened to sustain the barrier and move away praises dangers of them and weakening to the creatures what inhabited inside.
But to his time did what the earth in her was able to absorb better the whatui forming  lose spiritual and veto of the same.

But the most important because of the characteristics of the matrix in some places in his mountains began to form  elementary stones. Although these were of low rank and did not allow to develop a lot the crop to handle to the element, even so hacian the difference between cultivadores of the same rank.

By it what over time to empezo to explore them and form a sect in this island.

The problem is what the island also limited the crop of the martial artists in her because of the training. It was been due to this what could not form his venganza by the what when dying did what will restart his body for what so his descendants could take advantage of the despojos of crop what the had in the to take his venganza.
By fault of litigate interns never step and the resources were bad used in establishing the foundations of the two main sects in this island. If it did not go because of the matrix martial artists of other continents already opened it demanded because of the elementary stones with which they traded. Remaining in the forget the one who some time was a place tabu

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