C67: "an odd family"

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They Were embracing it without concerning  of the other, but once conscious of these put  annoying and ran  a bit; I save by kamen.

-If we want that the things between us are better have to accustom us to this type of situations, except that they want to turnarse- said kamen.

Any of them was had to leave to the another to alone with her, temian that of this form could take advantage on her and his corazon. Dark And Ju that were of the same side abrazandola forced  to approach , bumping his bodies feeling angry and ashamed; they could not avoid the recuerdos of the another nude and his moans that do touched by them and felt  very bad.
They could not leave to feel disgust in front of the idea although the recuerdos aveces demand him, doing them feel a wrap in his corazon they enjoyed with the body what the mind and the heart says them that no.

They doubt in these moments of his hombría further of the sucedido, the throw that his remember bring them some type of reactions the restless; kamen is the only calm in front of this together with Yogui.
Yogui Although it do not want to share the female knows that it can not decide on this by some human stupidity, which has him angry but partly understands that it could not being chosen if she went  with only one; by what leaves  be in this situation. However it would not leave  to predominate on the other if it was necessary, give them the one who is the alpha.

Kamen Was the only out of place in the situation, his relation with her neither was the more proxima; the same with the other. The and she had a first intimate meeting by fault of bad understood, but only was intimate from his perspective; for her only it was brindandoles a leccion. The by greed try to be nearer to her, but there was not a lot of feeling in this; although the felt  in debt with her neither was silly as to leave that this dominate it. However it knows that sometime the things in his corazon changed, she is a very easy woman to treat and kind; to part of ruda and able. She does not have the same.

Thinking in this the deal to move away , the did not have problems with being  subjected was not something new for the; his teacher did it with the from very small. But now that his teacher was a be so genial and beautiful the felt  encouraged to be subjected, almost deseandolo; especially after the first meeting between the two. The development a taste by this type of punishments if it is offered by somebody pleasant when seeming.

The knows that the other allow him be by the very mental of her, the reasons by which this has to be kept is obvious; and although it do not like them one more in the competition. Anyway they go to be with her in group that more give if the is also, in any case his deal can not change a lot only is another father in front of the eyes of her; with them to his side there is not form that it occupy a place in his corazon. This it desayunaba but understood it and felt  lucky to be at least so closely.

She shook  and woke up  scared, his face was reddish and full of sweat; she felt a big weight by all his body preventing that it could change his position. She when seeing as it was being surpassed by the rest and the enormous egg on her entendio a bit the situation, michy for satisfy also had joined  to the weight on her being against the egg olfateandolo.

-What does michy?- I ask  in high voice.

-I have a brother!- It said michy without that anybody could answer  what she mentioned, leaving it to tighten so much so that it could move with freedom.

-How it is this?- It said Lia

-It is a bit true what says michy, however unlike the michy was born thanks to the energias Yangs of the technician that did me cultivate beside my teacher; our son also contains something of our blood. It unico The same in both are the energies and the form of birth can say - said kamen.

How it is possible that with these energies form  a beast or an object?- It answered him she curious.

- No the has to be  related to the technician that do us cultivate, in them do us focus some energies of His from perlas or other materials to strengthen it; aveces this influence in the future egg doing that it comport  like a living being or an object. However it could not you ensure no  a lot on this method of cultivacion- answered him kamen.

-Then when they think that eclosianara the egg?- It said Lia

-Shortly sure, nose if even it could be today-  said him kamen

-What already go to be parents?!- They said at the same time the others 3 men in the room. They hardly were mentally preparing to the throw that they went to be parents, on that were with all the wrap of Lia of by half; without mensisonar what mentally was paying them due to the fact that they remembered the events like something very cool. Having aveces an erection.

-What carajo, be born so premature this well!?- It said Lia scared.

-Although it formed  fast do not think that go out like michy, premature, rather because of the big energy that received goes to be born in his best state; in these moments has to be forming the body. The  conductive veins of WhatI  was the first that formed - said kamen thinking- if it did not go by our blood already would have been born, but seems that it needs time to conform an able body to carry our blood in group, this step is very difficult however there is not at all that we can do to help it.

- And if we circulate him Whati of blood will not guarantee that it was born better?- It said she concerned of this process..

-It can be but it would have to be with the one of all combined, nose as it could be this?- It said kamen.

- All do a small cut that I commission me- said the full of security, handle blood and condensed elsewhere was not odd for her.

All the obvedecieron concerned by the health of his son, wanted to do everything in them to ensure his health. She began to circulate the Whati taking the hands of all and did them flow to his wounds including the one of her, this Whati melted  with the blood turning into this type of Whati; out of the bodies melted them between if with a bit of difficulty. After attaining it with help of Whati green guided it to the egg adding all the Whati of different types that could, wanted that it had all the energy that needed to be born; although it said him  that taenia achieve she wanted to ensure .

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