C29: "Development of feelings (1)"

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Lia wise that was feeling more almost the she by Ju, in spite of the fears that felt of this world issued that it also wanted to have company and friends. Taenia fear to follow cultivating feelings and that to future or betrayed it, or this world attended his bubble been due to as it sees  she or his crop.

To part gave  account that more than once acted shy with the and  sonrojo with the while they were in the village or in this trip, and also notice that those that did not know on his true gender looked them with disgust when sucedía this. The solados laughed for if because although sabian the truth understood that they thought the others and this them to grace, if they did not know also would have disgust surely. She also understood it, but was something so bad if really it was like this?In eate world is something badly seen?- I ask , and it knew that it could not satisfy his curiosity.

She expected to arrive to this take care fast, while reflexionaba on his heart, still had to somebody in him  and was conceding  with Ju because of his mental problems surely. It was tired of this trip mount did him feel badly the legs already, and sode hated to have mud in parts of the peel and the face; and have this sobrero very rare to hide his peel tied in his chin. These threads hammered him and a lot.

Cursing to this world by not being able to be in peace seguia his way, while it followed analysing the strengths and the energies and like using them. Ella there were throw the same experiment that with Dark and Ju with Yogui, and did not see any colour, but gave  account that could move an If red distinct of the that saw by his surroundings by his veins.

This was due to the fact that the beasts have his veins connected, the ones of Whati with the normal. She did not understand this, only wise that was different to the ones of the other but almost seemed to as it was in her,  since she had formed a when dantalian and the Whati circulated by his blood being attracted by the particles time in them. But this she did not know it only saw it circulate as if it was blood, being attracted or expelled. Luckily thanks to that had dantalian now could control the as you go out and went in the energy controlandola. And now it did not affect the crop of the other when touching them, neither loaded of Whati to what touched only by contact. Only it felt  his type of Whati in the environment being able to see the level of her of this way.

She sintio fear that this was noticed when seeing ocmo circulates the Whati in his body, although it knew that of men to women was distinct did not know that they would think when seeing the one of her. Although it seemed  to the of Yogui doubted of if the confundirian with a beast or no, and that it could happen to be so would be acaso that if they exist beasts in shape human these be something rare? They exist human with tails and ears pro be a mix of both? Acaso The confunfirian eats a species of est or last if they see it?, it thought with fear of what will offer him.

It approached to Ju while the seguia analysing the technical that she happened him, the notice that she was as with face concerned and said him:-it Happens something?- And she him respondio:- you Think that it can bribe to the policeman of the take care so that it do not review me with this?- It said showing him several blue and red balls-no  if give him all those that have to avoid it- Said with fear and anxiety. She had several there weren some brown in his possession because of the hunting of beasts but she saw them ugly and did not believe what had value, and these although they had it were less valuable that the red.

Ju  Astonished cheese although reflexionó that had a good point, keeps on being dangerous to expose his identity, although it call the attention showing his wealths. If they demand that it show how it is sure it goes to arm a stir mo only by his level of crop, but by as it sees .

The already had thought it in bribing to some policeman before but did not know like encarar the situation, apart from that it is something difficult to do.

And when splitting of trip had thought in hiding it in the commodity of some trader when crossing the door. But still it had not calculated it well seguia thinking in that do.

The wise that she had fear of the dangers that mentioned his teacher, and the need to go back to his sect. The did not know all the details by what needed experience of this world but noticed  that it did not understand of him.

The volume his hand saying:- you do not concern you I will help you now if they ask you are Sum Jin, my brother, possibly will put you of smuggling in a cart. It is difficult to bribe to a policeman and if samples that have resources of this style would call a lot the attention and nose if sesn sufficient all your coins and mine to convince to any, neither can do know go possess them incresong our coins doing exchanges with these traders- exclaim.

Although the whatuantity that she poseia was not little, the cities were very strict in his controls and although there weren corrupt policemen did not know if it was good option call the attention of these. When bribing to one podrian pursue to ask you more and more resources before selling you if you did not have more, and dificultarian your exit of the take care to be able to follow extorsionandote. If they knew on his be podrian pushed down and shut or worse, although she was strong podrian force it to some agreement or with some matrix. The one who knows that type of cheats him pondrian? Sure if it is not therefore with such to sell it, she does not have a name recognised and his sect is not of this continent the one who can protect it here?

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