C58: "the love is garbled"

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They were waiting for the teachers when they would begin to listen moans and more than one  avergonzo, leaving to fly the imagination of which were listening; 4 teachers and a slave formalised his Union after a situation of life or death.
It would not do at all that it do not do by my brothers, remembered that voice and empezo one to sing:
"This is the history of 4 brothers 
That against the world litigated
They pursued them as they loved
His deep love did not go in vain
As when they loomed them
To the end they advanced
Of blood or jury litigated
Very duramente tired
Valientemente And esperanzados
All together shouted
I will raise my sword by my brother, and the will raise it also
Joint swords with my brother
And like this stronger litigate
As there is not at all that it detain me
This is my resolution
Die and by my brother
And the Die to by my by his love
As it is so we love us we litigate in the field with a lot of honour"
Eate pícaro Sing something that could interpret  with double sense, although his song was a bad improvisation deaafinada more than one entendio, depending of as it will sing it to him until could be a declaracion; if it comes joke the fraternal love this can arrive to be something but. The song happen  mouth to Together mouth to the history of what step, little by little him it empezo to sing in tabernas and did not know if consider it forbidden or no; due to the fact that sing on this type of love was not legal.
More than one will sing it in the field of battle to encourage litigates it, encouraged to all to litigate in team ignoring the possible unseen meaning that had this cansion; and other sabian that depending as it will sing it was an invitation.
While in the chamber were the 5 nude, michy was in a rincón looking and of the shame gave  gone back there was not walks that it could do; the or she his  were young and did not understand what sucedía but gave him shame the desnudez therefore  volteó.
They weighed  the ones to the others, aveces between three; she had to Ju to the right, to Dark to the left, those who  besaba between them and to them while it attached his members and stroked it. She handled the ones of them two while kamen the plate, Yogui behind kamen attached it, the was inside the while the the lamia; Dark and Ju began to circulate his Whati incresong the excitation and the feelings to the manipulated in which.
Ju Kept like small whips  wrapping the members of all and this the estimulavba while it cleaned a monton, Dark did the same with the one of the visa and the earth doing that it seats  a bit fast aveces; Yogui thank you the air and the fire frio or hot.
It was a frenesí of descontrol aveces Judentro of Dark or vice versa, and aveces one in front or behind her rotando been mad about without knowing well that occurred, leaving carry by these energies circulating his Whati incresongly driven mad, she plate anything and held also. Attaching while they penetrated it or sucking while the sujetaen and like this.
They began to circulate energies of the Ying and the yang because of the situation being but the ones of the Yang, they were spilling it in the semen that gave  between them or to her; thanks to the energias of Dark is whatuantity was a monton as the vitality recovered  after each ejaculation.
The moans were very strong and the almizwhatue to sex felt  whatuite also, only over time the things were  callando due to the fact that they were exhausting  and in the vientre of The these energies were confessing  causing that a big light was forming .
While they follown the ones with the others and with her, only Yogui did not have to swim behind; but if to all in front there were times that also the man launched.
Dark And Ju served between them and to the, they were not conscious of at all this aphrodisiac had penetrated well at the bottom of his instinct primirivo; causing that they moved  without any type of restriction  the only that was in his minds was the pleasure.
Little by little the effects were disappearing due to the fact that they already fulfilled his function, and this was to do that the Ying and the Yang will circulate between which consumed it. This already there was sucedido and now was culminating in a ball of light in the vientre of the woman that yacía plácidamente in the chamber, little by little this ball of light put  in the body and desaparecio; leaving a mark of a tatuaje like an egg by where absorbed .
Now his vientre had a very realistic image of an egg that palpitaba aveces, this era of the size of a hen and saw  scaly green.
The day happen and they were all embraced nude in a same fourth when the hambre the desperto:
-But What verga?- Ju Woke up and vomit the images of the occurred began to transitar by his mind
Dark Woke up and put  pale and imitated it.
Only kamen and Yogui did not seem to affect him the remember of what sucedió.
How it was that it happened this?- It said scared Ju, but in his mind remembered the feeling of the pills and  autorespondio; it was not fault of her clearly the never explain him the truth was possible that have given them to him wanting to that they will recover  ending what sucedió.
Dark Also reasoned it in his mind and did not know that do with the situation, she followed slept,  in front of the noises  destapó showing the tatuaje in his vientre and the blood to his around.
They sabian that the blood and the fault of the mark in the arm were indexes of what step, and scared  when seeing that mark although they did not know because it generated . Sabian That aveces to do children could use  the energies of the Ying and the Yang and this would form an egg, but never saw it to him; this only sucedía however between humans and beasts those who could not procrear but. However all felt a flow of Whati that came from of this egg and echoed with his indicating that they were his procreador, all they were the father probably was by cause of Yogui that could occur this terrible situation.

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