C24: "Headcount of deaths"

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While the other reviewed to the bandits died by his hands in search of something useful, Lia cried treating to save to a bandit that probably was also a murderer, for her no only morally was affected because it considered it sin, for her was valuable the life she looked forward to to control well his attacks only to intimidate but really sees  unable to kill, maybe like self-defense but if it can avoid it better. Partly it is it is the main reason by which wants to isolate does not want to be a murderer, does not matter if it was in his legitimate defence keeps on being the son of somebody does not believe can live with the fault.

I leave to cry while presionaba the wound, the bandit felt  blessed that when dying somebody the cry to as if the had been really loved worse somebody in this life, as it had not had to anybody that concerned  by the and is feeling was pleasant to feel it almenos wise that this could die with a bit of peace.
Lia saw with his eyes like the life of that type went  and that the blue smokes and greens in his body freed  to his surroundings, and in an attempt to save it deal to do them go in of turn as it did it with his body but in his.

She with all his strengths penso in this and of his body to the his freed the energies as with Yogui, and this gave him back a bit of colour to the subject.
The face of the bandit no longer was so pale but is empezo to see  like annoying, as if it still was badly, or something was not well. She saw like the green energies  closed little by little the wounds but comian blood when doing it, if it follows so goes to die by fault of blood penso, so it cut  the doll and guided the green energies with his blood to his wounds attaining that these will close, and to his time closed his recent. She saw like the energies of that body  arremoliban in the body of the type and surprised  when seeing that it did not have dantalian, but reflexionando his hole found  in where when seeming east is,will be that she destroyed it?

Definitively ah to be this still had dantalian but was damaged, thanks to the energias green and the blood of Lia there weren closed his wounds but him dantalian rewhatuired of a lot of more blood and enrgia to close  and so stabilise the energies that there is in his body.

She notice like the energies seemed that they were about to to break the veins by which circulates this energy and said  that if no to something to fix it this went to explode and die of this by his fault. It went back to cut  and is time take out a lot of more blood that before and went back to close the wound that caused , was concerned of desangrarse to her same in an attempt to save him. And I mix it with a lot of green energy expect is time comprimiendola forming a red energy, and could feel as there was near of her more than this enrgia so what attracted it to her same to carry it to the body of east to save him and went in in a hardship.

While it saved him all saw as  of the bodies that they reviewed salia blood in the air and went to where was Lia, and surprised them and went to see because sucedía this phenomenon and saw like her had the hands on the abdomen of a bandit which had expenses of blood in his clothes. And they recognised it like which she had knocked down and this did not seem to have wounds on his body, this did them give account that she cured it and that was saving it. Because save the life of etse bandit?

Yogui Was hallucinated to the ewhatual that the other by the technical salvavidas that Wraps eataba using, she detergent collapse, without giving  explains she had used a lot of mental strength in his attempt to save it whatuickly Ju the volume in his arms moving us away of the bandit that was  reincorporandose noticing that this was even armed. Acaso Not even took  the annoyance to review it before wanting to save him the life in truth this girl lived his life shut in his sect ? It does not have to know the cruel of this world , with reason said him that it gathered experience to to having been very spoiled and be too innocent- said  to if same Ju a bit jealous of the contact that was having with that subject, Lia although it said him that no to go out between them alone was near to the and treated it well and the although sintio that it did not look it like man now, maybe by his crop, sometime it haria due to the fact that she was really kind and frank and usually had more desenvoltura in front of him that of others showing that it trusted he.

Lia really treat it as to a fellow human as if it was a wanted to known, com or to with the people in his world but this was misunderstood due to the fact that so much vicinity was not normal between the people unless they will leave them place to that some day happen something. She did not know of this although desconfiaba of the and did not want that it tied it  liked him that the will not take advantage of  of her and wanted probably relate more with the in the case of not being able to isolate could have his help. In spite of the fear that had achieve she wanted fellow and socializar dandole a cold aura by moments, and whatuality by others . All this enamoraba innocent kind but direct and dry when it had to be. Ju Gave  account that had fallen by her by something more than what poseia in her like his beauty or perlas.

Better saves your arms and  be appreciated!-I exclaim with ire Ju
What happened him the teacher?!- It said Yogui scared the only had seen the scene of far as it had run during more time to the bandits and only had seen the of the blood floating is of far.

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