C7: "the cave of yogui"

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The bear raise  taking  some fishes achieve I save in my another pocket the stones that even no  eat, all this while estubo circulating his sea while eat to his wide and now already went  so no more. I suppose what debt saled- tinked she while it seeing  go, but the bear return to her and remain  seeing it; and she taenia on if the rest of the fishes. She notice what the bear advanced only if she the seguia, was doing  of night sure wants to what help it to carry the food to his cave- reason.

It expects cave to gentleman dare now what get along me dejarias lodge- penso, tambien said have to leave to say him bear; although ae sees like one only what with horns have to have varied like the in this forest. -Ah Already  yogui- said , is but intelligent what the orros bears despues of everything, reia rexordando that caricature.

The bear regretted to leave the perlas alli but no the podia load and preferia carry the pesces what could almenos, no longer serious a perdisa but when seeing what the teacher helped it to carry them to his cave this  encariño with the but.
Afterwards I listen it say some parabras only eentendio yogui. That it is this eats ?- penso mmm Seeing what his teacher each two by three the decia to speak connel empezo to give  account.

Ahh The teacher gave me name- said roaring for her, but spoke only what she no it entendia.

This roar for her sono like affectionate, acaso estara calling to his couple- penso she.

They were to the cave, the wise bear what although the energia epsiritual what the materials of culrivo what they traian podian attract to creatures, these them terminarian peridendo the trace ademas that it could diminish the rasto culrivando inside her. Until the point enbaue neither pester  in going by this energia as no them produciria gains, happy went to his adentros, afterwards of a lot walk arrived to where the dormia. There were Some blue stones by all the cave of time in what, but alli there weren but; in a side there were an especue of carcho luminous celestial surrounding to a glass like the of the walls but big.

This era almost a lake of big and she was not had to see what so deep was, only  aecrco to drink of the water after seeing what the bear the bebio without dying . She was to drink 3 litres of water to the dia if him it proponia so what was to be sedienta.

That well what hau waters near- said happy support the fishes and the perlas near of a luminous rock what taenia near of this lake so no the perderia of sight, and wash them in this water as tenian something of earth doing what put  blue, one of them touch one of the luminous stones and empezo to shine tambien of blue.

These perlas even are of crop or that, acaso this water and these stones possess something what uses  to cultivate?- reflexiono After noticing this.

The bear cvio like his teacher to traves of mysterious atres attain to see like infindia whatui spiritual in the stones, in this part of the cave was where the cultivava; the ones of his species or any another what could cultivate whatui spiritual, lived in mines of stone espiritu although it was explotable even.

The human prederian what the beasts absorbed these, as so gave him sufficient time to that the mine prodijera but stones when filtering the energias of the air and of the earth. The glasses podian do this with help of the moss and praises hongoa to his around, but the humans no; by but what investigated as they could no podian take the whatui spiritual of the alone environment podian of the bedtias; and neither ablar of the stones.

For elloa was but easy process and cultivate the from a perla spiritual; the animals podian generate it cpmiendo plants or mineralea which the poseian. Even eating to other animals.

She no wise the thoughts of the bear on the what finishes of suceder by chance, the spiritual stones podian absorver whatuieapiritu but this was ignored already what afterwards of what a cultivador ate it this desapareceria in the. Derritiendose And dandole energia instead of absorver his, the what happened was what when circulating the whatui espiritu this filtered  and went to merge  with the stone what poseia him cultivador, or happened to form a small stone in the cultivador happening to sel the place where  acumularia the whatui espiritu despues.
With dream she put to bed  on the bear, and empezo to roncar.

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