C26:" slave and injured"

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When waking up the felt  feeble as if it had gone down him a lot the pressure treated pale like fault of blood. It gave  account that was being loaded  in arms by Yogui while seguian in the stretch is us sure remain in where there weren wanted to emboscarlos podrian go back more bandits, now fractions knew a bit but his strength podrian send a stronger group after them. Surely they will follow his trace and would treat to go back to emboscarles more advance.

Lia in his thoughts said him to Yogui, that is sucediendo?. Secretly it spoke with the as in his minds podrian will speak calm that anybody the oiria.

-Master nose that technical use to save that subject, but seems that it weakened him could feel as you were recovering you little by little thanks to the dual "crop" , as when we sleep in the cave- clear Him.
-It is truth still follow injured by that poison, this shot feel dizzy but even so treat in focusing my strengths to save to that type that well that attain it- mintió to explain partly some events ignored that so much they would know they or no and went back  to sleep still followed feeble.

Ju Notice that she had recovered the consciousness and asleep , seems that it had gladdened  very soon still did not recover  the sufficient. While it was still in this state are easy prey.

The bandit was chained to Ju disarmed was being dragged by the, the gave  account that had been saved by that person that was loaded by the bear, the same that cry it, the same that attack it. In this moment his head was throws an eddy, him devia  the life this subject, was in his right in killing it as the had attacked against his life when wanting to emboscarlo, this the wise well by what did not save him grudge but his gestures really had him conmovido only expected that it was not a man that prefer the company of ptros men, and that only was a sensitive soul. Now it belongs him to the by what could not deny.

When waking up seeing his situation the bandit had said the one who me something the one who was now is my master and shot his arms to the flat. Without knowing it Wraps did a pact of blood with the turning it into his slave but was something that now all saw by the marks that  there weren formed in him bandit.

Now it had to expect because his master gave him a name so that the pact will close  and could not traditional by which still had not been desatado and was abused that this form, in addition to that Ju had him jealousies by the compassion that Wraps had showed him
Ju Approached to Yogui and ask him like seguia his teacher,  east answered him that in an hour ocmo a lot already would be of foot but had to replace blood somehow to be entirely in faculties.

Yogui Did not understand because it knew this seemed that the had some bond with Which allowed him feel it, this was been due to the energias that she circle in her and arrived him to the there weren been linked with a species of agreement magico through his Whati of so much dual "crop" that came realising and to the fact that now it saw she these smokes strengthened it entirely.

Ju Did not amaze  by which his pet felt it had imagined  the fact that there would be some agreement between them, did not know of cual but knew that there would be serious rare that  no prowhatue more would leave  be mount but.

Prpers having arrived the night decided not camping and follow the way so that the bandits will not achieve them,  Lia woke up definitively and Yogui warning that gave him some hanged of which had spoken him, had said him that it would be well that will take one so that it will recover his blood.

Lia drank of an only swallow that soup by more rare aroma that had died of hambre, by little almost the escupe when seeing to Ju with the bandit. But it forced  to swallow, seeing that it Wraps looked it to Ju and that almost drowns  therefore him odd to Yogui and Ju could notice that she look it amazed. Acaso Discovered something in him?

Not being able to link the acts of Lia all gladdened  that it will recover , she showed a big agility with that ball of energy and when seeming could detect to the enemies with some technician , all those that travelled with them were to impressed. There weren Some traders that had added him  a group of soldiers was something that could guarantee him a safe stretch ademas that they could abandon them to save his commodities while they hated with the bandits.

They felt  trusted because of her and now still more because it showed that it could litigate, many of the soldiers thought that she was pure palabrería because it never had litigated but really showed the what wanted to say with that nisiwhatuiera deserve that late his breath feeling upper, for her has to be very easy lidiar with his enemies.
This gave to understand a lot of there weren been injured in litigates it and sabian that when waking up could breed them, as it already had cured to that bandit and gladden them that they did not lose his crop and stagnated  because of injuries. It was very rare to find doctors or those who knew skills curativas and those that had were ridículamente expensive they could not pay such thing.

She saw as they approached him injured asking him help and remembering what happen with him bandit help them. Recovering fractures and losses of small members, seeing this did to circulate these energies in his eyes to see if so could finish creating so same and by all she thinking in curing  another bad that could have. This did it while it followed curing beginning to exudar an odd aura of her even his eyes saw  rare, but all thought that it was been due to that technician.

Ju Detained them pued had to she went back to desmayarse, if it knew to handle vienesa technical would not have  desmayado the first time. It had cured to all the injured only two were something grave and the fractures were not visible only perceived them xomo pain, and therefore they did not give  account of what really cured them.

-The next time cures of to one and depending of his wound the treatments that go him to give do not want that you collapse again- said Ju to lia half sonrosado.

She  rojosio because of his gesture and this was noticed by the and his corazon hit a dump because of this, had hopes with this girl  volteó with a big smile in the face.
But his happy moment obtained a balde of vinegar when noticing to the bandit to his side.

-Give me a master name- said  him to Lia this man
This type lost the memory or that happens him? It said him to Yogui Lia mentally, with fear to raise some suspicion.

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