C75: "A bit of bad luck"

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They dormian placidamente despues to strengthen his link between them, the one who parecia but happy was Lia no s esabe if by perverted or no. Soon  empezo to feel that the earth on  them  sacudia, little by little empezo to fall rests of her on them despertandolos.

-They wake up we have company!- It said Ju scared to notice this, only could expect to whatu the other opened the hole not to spend energies. Soon they felt that the earth under them also shivered empezandolo to do rise while the ceiling on them opened . This is not easy to do was the one who was or ea very powerful or are a big number.

-How they know that we are here?- It said Max concerned.

- I do not know it son, there are methods of track that they are me unknown, especially in this new world the one who knows that class of technicians  of research have ; it is not so simple the thing like ersong your trace to avoid that it follow you - said Dark.

-By more than Ju with his knowledges of matrices dissemble our position or our shots still can  arrive to have people that can sortearlos, included if siguieramos in the world inderioe; in this new world the forms to attain this are much more that those that there is in the inferior however- said kamen.

All were in position of litigate putting  back with back waiting for giving litigates to what was that it was expecting them.

-Calm wanted to recien arrived, have to congratulate them for attaining avoid us by all a year; but as they can see our numbers are too many- said a  main man with one thousand people to his around, when the other saw this remained  bowhatuiabiertos and went down his arms. No only they surpass them in number but in level of cultivacion, in front of a situation like this there is not at all that do.

-Because they are so many!?- It could not avoid exclaim with fear michy.

-Wanted my no all the days haciendome 6 people at the same time and one that attains to force the will of the sky,  east throw is more than sufficient as to do move sky and earth; now say me The one who of you was the one who forced this?Maybe Open been eate small divine beast?- It said the elderly looking to michy- Or will be this young beast? Oh It go you attained to wake up the dragonificacion in the bestial blood Eh?- It said looking to Máx with greedy eyes, is young divine beast was the but valuable of eate group of novices. But in if all the group cost montones of resources and gold.

-I was I, now please leave in peace to my children- said Lia without being able to fingir his voice something in the air prevented it to him.

-Berry berry berry, What have here? A woman 4 men and two children.  I ask me those who of you is the father?- It said laughing as what saw was garbled, eate man  if it did not see badly all are the father of the boy whereas the girl seems to be linked to one of the men.

The man when seeing like her  aorbojaba and like the other also knew his dirty secret, and felt  edited in front of this.

-Miten nomas Have here to a small perverted, jajajajjaj- said this main man  doing them know to all the situation.

- They do not treat to hide at all wanted to mine, my skills allow me see to travez of the energies...- The was boasting on his skills when I notice something rare in Lia. She was circulating the energies in his body whatueriendoles litigate, this was not rare; the rare was the as it saved  in her the energias.

-As it is that you learnt the Whati of the time?!- I exclaim this man scared, she had cultivated it without wanting thanks to the particles time from a principle; cultivating two types of distinct times the one of his world and of east. However it is something impossible for any one to see, however this man mayir is not comun; the was scared of the origin of  her.

The when noticing this in her scared  and to calm the spirits change his attitude in front of her, could not allow offend to the descendants of the time. The is the only that knows of that cultivador that trascendió the divinity for attaining dominate this, the only that knows of east is that it reappears in the inferior world when somebody dominates this type of Whati to defend them; generally these are his children.

However it does millenniums of est or, is possible that she only have his inheritance and no this related of blood however does not want to risk to that the consider it like one of his children.  In addition to that the handle the time is not something that  as to steal of a cultivador to another when turning into it a caldero, with luck  she will know to transmit it and if it treats it well can obtain eate can for the and his disiples.

- Calm  that it is difficult to believe, but do not have bad intensiones; to our sect serves them more if we attain to join them by our will that force them- deal of mentir, they knew that it is offer was thanks to Lia and his understandings. Luckily his bad luck is not so bad this time, but the one who knows  if they do not tend them a cheat despuea; but in the meantime they would treat them well. The best for them is to take advantage of while they are hospitable to strengthen  and learn on this world. Only they look forward to to attain it before it was too late.

-Siganos- Said this man giving the turn. The other did not resist  there was not more than doing by but that gave litigate, they do not have sufficient strength; in addition to that know that at all it read guarantees not being found by others if they attain it. Maybe they have luck of  that  they have been they those that will find it as no the there weren attacked.

-Already it knew I that was having too much luck- said  she taking into account, that since it arrived to eate world did not suffer any type of situacion like this. At least I expect to attain create a safe place for máx and michy.

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