C41: "The change of Yogui"

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Lia seguia happy beside his small and rare family following his studies to the point that with help of knew it of the plants Whati of life could form small perlas, but these did not serve for the crop but if to purchase some understanding on algun type of  Whati if she inserted him of east. But it was difficult to do aveces rewhatuired to mix with earth and distinct types of knew to attain it, finished creating several type of perlas  that exploded, congelaaban or electrocutaban, did not do a lot damage but was well that will explore on this as it would be a good weapon if it reigned it well. What she did not know neither the other neither is that she had attained refinar pills of the highest whatuality therefore they seemed like perlas, but these only were of high whatuality in what appearance but regarding use not even of could compare to a pill of low degree and only 1 of each 100 attained to transmit If so that they will add it to his understanding and this was only by chance, that the type d plant can refinar a bit of this Whati.

The  only understandings that were easy to condense were the  that were related to the feelings. Attaining create small pills berseker thanks to this, these did not last a lot but in case of an emergency came well, and also another that caused desánimo, this could use to escape.

She followed happy investigating and there was one that JU forbade him follow treating to comprise after doing  it test, is cause that the encouraged  to go out to hunt and escaped of her. The do not explain him that it had created without wanting an aphrodisiac saying him that it was like a pill that did you feel encourage and did not serve this was everything. But to her it did not seem him something bad and followed testing his experiments in Yogui for so can differentiate these energies of other that she felt or perceived. They sabian that she cpndensaba energy of eata forms by what did not look it more after condensing an aphrodisiac, she did not understand and gave them penalty explain him this subject. They felt  embarrassed, Yogui did not understand it after long and only because I speak of the subject with Dark and east instructed him that  better will avoid that she went on doing these experiments desanimandola or animandola in the ones of another type and both felt  embarrassed.

Yogui Did not understand some behaviours that had the other, and due to the fact that convivía with them little by little leave backwards his bestial side although it still had his instinct this no longer dominated him as before. The beasts generally know to speak but do not understand the things like the people even if they attain to achieve the divinity, and like east had his half instincts applied this aphrodisiac only did him feel like an odd heat, and thought that served for the crop since it felt  seemed.

Only Ju and Dark felt  more affected due to the fact that they were near of Lia and this caused that to the while heaved him  his zone. This the to feel embarrassed of if same  and especially because she only cpndensaba these pills when they were they. They said them perlas and mo sabian that they were pills but were it. And seguian without being good although his superficial whatuality was excellent, if she will use this technician to with some plant that uses  for the alchemy,  then really would see  like a pill and then they would know that these perlas are this.

They did not know the powerful of the understanding of Lia, she could do all the professions thanks to this and without the need of help of matrices, rare or technical materials to of refinement; it Is possible that nisiwhatuiera need the elements that use  to manufacture.

They follow thrilled with Lia and his skills admiring each thing of her, and this did that his competition put  more fierce looking for any escusa with such to have a moment to alone with her and competing to give him something.

In one went out both to look for fishes due to the fact that she said:- I expect to find prompt some river, odd fish, but more still the flavour of the fish- she and Yogui thought the same regarding this, by the peace and tranwhatuility that had in those times, Ju and Dark had found a lake in his cacerias was very advance on the way by which advanced little by little, building shelters whatuite more decent and so rest in what it progressed his trip. But if they found some cave his trip detained  during a time, as in them podian rest calmer. Only they had found two up to now and were whatuite small and cold, but with luck that it was not a guarida of some type. In reality if there was some animal east went  due to the fact that it felt to a pair of  ranks metal approach, except that they went bandits and wanted to see that wave without attacking it would not remain  near. These would move away until feeling that his aura was not near happy to recover his cave.

Ju And Dark took the canes of And Yogui and Lia and offered  to go to see if podian arrive to see it and afterwards say him where. But in reality they planned to have it secretly and take out some fishes and darselo like gift inventing some escusa so that she did not go by them. They wanted to take out the biggest and compete because it would give him the best fish, she said them that they had taken care of us of emboscadas when fishing if they found where do it, and that saw if near of this source of water there was not some village. They had not seen any settlement near of that place, and sabian that the what said was them true if they did not take care  some beast could attack them; especially any that lived in that lake never  there weren approached the sufficient to put this to proof so that decided to do him case.

Amboa Split with premium financial in am when camp mantras Yogui trained, for am major under allow Salina pro the food ask alone ace concentrate in cultivating auntie parliaments ace found his with you Saranac his Whati spiritual keep growing without Cascadia, thanks to Lie and his coneccion with alla This ambito him resultant and facil, usandp little by little his rise of level.

The did not know that it was by his type of body that this was him possible, and the was thrilled because when going up of level there was desbocado more technical to of his line of blood.

The now found  in the maximum rank metal of espiritu, and saw ones imagine of some technicians of litigates. But these were as of a person; aveces saw like a bear practicandolas and aveces a person and the only closed his eyes and left  guide by this inheritance.

What the did not know is that because of the contact with Lia and the other had unblocked his understanding of the mankind; making him possible for the can arrive to take human form when arriving to the divinity. But thanks to that Lia and his dual "crop" his Whati  was thicker and his understandings but big of what already were allowing him have the same whatuantity of Whati that when arriving to the maximum of the martial level. In addition to that his body had strengthened  thanks to the distinct types of Whati that there was absorvido his body during this time, by his bestial characteristics did not need to train a lot his body to absorb more energy in his muscles and strengthen his bones., doing it ñlegar to this beak.

She experienced on the If and the plants and mineral that his around were while this sucedía, without giving  account that by moments Yogui had some human characteristic.

The was in a hardship, doing flow this technician, is gave them  by sky to the beasts that had an understanding on the mankind. Allowing them increase his capacity of crop since they could learn to refinar pills or trainings suppressing his Whati bestial seeming human; to his time preventing that they could hunt them because of this.

The did not know that it happened only the Whati  arremoliban and in the sky some nuves stormy formed , these began to produce rays.

-BOOM- sono and of the sky a big ray fell, seemed like that somebody is happening his tribulación to rise to the sky; but this sees  different by what esoly is confused by the one who see it like a small storm. This is only a tribulación of espiritu; it is not facil attain happen the tribulaciones separately for so attain rise more esoly. But to the beasts allows them  do this if they learn a variety of understandings in his dantalian something that Yogui attained.

Lia saw like a ray fell of the sky on Yogui desmayandolo, doing that his peel burned , she turn off the fire with water and saw that in the soil a pso-humanoide reposaba.

-But which shit?- I exclaim she.
She saw that his head had facial shots between humans and of bear; a bit of osico and ears of bear, in the rest of the body all was human save by the hands that still conserved characteristics of bears with his zarpas, only saw  too hairy with a lot peel in the back and in the breast the arms and the legs.

In the waist still had his tail of bear, and his legs were entirely hairy with feet of bear in his final. If the  depilate only seemed that it carried some armour of bear in his hands and feet; together with an incredible mask.

She was stunned by this, but remembered that this was another world so that accept it; this ah to be normal penso. Which was not so but she did not know it.

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