Gasping for Air

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I wrote this after crying my eyes out over nothing in particular.

Why does it have to hurt so much Pain? And I don't mean the fall and scrape your knee kind of pain I mean the heart-clenching, falling to the ground gasping for air through tears kind of pain. Why does that kind exist, what is god's name is the point of that kind of pain? I genuinely want to know the soul purpose of that level of pain and torment that we all go through. Why do the best most loving people get cancer? Why do the smartest end up forgetting themselves? Why do the people with the most loved ones feel so alone? It's not my place to ask God why he does what he does but it's my life too you know, I want to know why we have to deal with constant torture throughout our lives; yes to be fair there is happiness and amazing moments but when those terrible days come to the good ones feel like a surreal dream we had once upon a time.

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