A Pain in My Chest

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This story was written a week or two after my yellow lab passed away and he was my best friend.

lay awake and in my room at my dad's house, there is a big cloud of black above my head. I wanted to go to sleep but I just couldn't shut off my mind, instead, it got fuller with thoughts that made my eyes brim with tears. My puppy Deimos died less than two weeks before and I wasn't coping well. I had lost a couple of people in the earlier months of the year and it was like the pain wanted to attach itself to me. I was messaging someone who distracted me easily but it wasn't going to be as easy tonight. I had been trying not to cry because I had been crying since I learned of my puppy's illness three weeks ago and my head was already throbbing. Tonight I couldn't help it. I felt my throat tighten and I felt the hot tears roll down my cheeks one by one until I started to sob. My body was shaking crazily and I couldn't control my breathing but as if to add more sorrow from the cloud my chest started getting sharp pains but it didn't stop my crying for even a second until it was too bad, I texted my mom because she studied the human body and disease, she told me that it could be my anxiety trying to take control. I tried to slow my breathing so the pain would stop but I couldn't stop crying. After a while, my eyes become too heavy to keep open and I am forced to lay my head down and sleep.

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