A Different Kind of Love

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I wanted someone to love me and one of my friends said that we had a connection but he insisted that I should be with someone else.

I don't want this pain, all I wanted was to love you but you told me you'd rather me be with someone else even when I told you I didn't want anyone else you insisted. I don't know if I should believe you when you say you aren't ready; you seem ready; maybe I'm not. I want to be though. I looked at the lit screen with your reply, I told you I was scared but I ended up telling you anyway because I wanted you to know, I needed you to know, but you said ok I heard the breaking of my heart and I felt the hot tears roll down my cheeks staining them. I throw my phone down and slam my face into my pillow and I let my screams and sobs overwhelm me, I shake and gasp for air but I don't think I really want it. I re-read the texts you sent just moments before over and over, Luv u tho. I don't think that means the same thing to me as it does to you, I don't like saying that phrase loosely, but thinking about it maybe I have been. That's my own fault.

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