Hopeful Drawing

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This one is very personal, and self explanatory.

The day started like any other Monday; boring, unenergetic, and full of obligations. The school portion wasn't too bad, for me at least my little sister struggled because she has focus problems. Five had rolled around and our parents had gone outside to sit with the neighbors for a while everything was fine; until our parents came running into the house, both with pale expressions on their faces. My sister and I kept asking what was wrong and all they said was that something was wrong at our brother's house, and they didn't know anything but they were rushing out of the house. I didn't know what to do I put up some of the food we had for dinner and all of a sudden I thought of my sister-in-law's baby ( she's pregnant ) and I got really scared because I really didn't want anything to happen to them, so I did the only thing I knew how to; I drew a picture of the baby and I wrote a quote on the top "You are strong and wonderful." And I laid in bed until my parents came home with my two nieces and told me that my sister had had a hematoma ( Blood Clot ) and that she has to go to the hospital to make sure that the baby was alright and I prayed and prayed until I cried myself to sleep, my hand laying on the drawing asking for comfort.

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