No Goodbyes #1

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This story I wrote when after I visited my cousin and her fiance whom I love with so much of me.

I'm always so excited to see you; I always miss you and I hate that I don't get to see you very often. I always feel awkward when I first show up but I think that's because I've been away for so long and I'm not used to it yet. Being with you is like an alternate universe kinda like when I'm reading I'm just transported into a state of contentment where I could stay forever. I get scared every now and then that you aren't real and that you are just some beautiful dream that I had, and that scares me a lot because I love you so much and I don't want to lose you. I feel like you are an illusion, I look at you and you're stunning, then with one blink you're gone; my stomach drops every time I think about that. I'm pretty sure that's why I hug you all so tight and drag the hugs out for as long as you'll let me; I'm afraid to let go. I know you guys love me more than I could ever imagine and that makes me cling to you despite how scared I am of losing you to "waking up."

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