Chapter 11: Fighting Strength

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Thank you everyone who voted and commented last week! I'm thrilled to be sharing this chapter! It's also another fun one (at least for me!) (Sorry for sharing it a day early!)



His words ring between my ears. "A tracker. A tracker. A tracker..."

"What?!" My shriek rings in my room causing him to wince.

"Obviously you didn't hear it the first time I told you," he rolls his eyes, "But ok. Princess, calm down." He tries to usher.

I bolt to my feet, sending him my fiercest glare, "If you tell me to calm down one more time, I'm releasing my rage on you!"

His face transforms into one of anger like magic, "Well, I'm sorry I'm trying to make you feel better!"

I throw my hands in the air, "I didn't ask you to make me feel better!"

"It's my job!" He snarls, taking a threatening step towards me.

I scoff, returning the step, "I don't remember that being part of your job description!"

His eyes burn at my action and he takes two more steps, coming chest to chest with me, purposefully looming over to try to make me back down. His voice was low, "I was hired to protect you by the queen."

"Now I'm the queen!" A pregnant pause. "And I can dismiss you now," I return in the low voice.

"I dare you." A dangerous fire plays behind those eyes, a smirk in his voice, and the hint of victory on his features.

"OH you son—!!"

The door slams open to reveal the silent giant on Tracker Jackson's team. "Aw come on! Way to ruin the drama!" Tici complains. Adrian stood in the doorway, his caramel brown and orange-yellow eyes flickering between us two.

I growl, shoving myself away from Jackson and heading towards my closet. There is no way I'm sleeping now. Might as well get started with the day!

I rummage through my closet as Jackson and Adrian talk in hushed tones.

When I finally exit, my clothes my normal pants and shirt underlayer with a poufy dress on top, Adrian was just leaving.

I walk towards Jackson, my eyes following the tall form of Adrian, "Now what?"

His eyes penetrate my own. "Breakfast."


Breakfast was quick. Most of the servants were not expecting her highness and tracker from across the sea at 5 in the morning.

By 6, I had a meeting with my advisors. Can't say they were thrilled that I kept my word.

By 7, I was watching the soldiers train.

Jackson was behind me in the shaded part of the open-roofed arena under the balcony of the second floor. Gabe had taken over, commanding and teaching soldiers as they tried to fight with Adrian.

It was not going well for the soldiers. But they were more energic, more excited, and actually trying than when they were under Carneighgie.

Dust was once again high in the air. Men were sweating in the sun. The shouts of fighting echoing between the walls. Some of the servants even stopped by to watch. The girls were fawning.

My eyes travel up to my classroom to see some of my previous classmates looking out that window I always did. I gulp, their taunts suddenly filling my brain.

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