Chapter 40: The Final Battle

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The King inhales deeply, groaning in pleasure as another pulse from the beam brings him more power. He chuckles darkly, patting Jackson's loose head in the beam. Jackson tries to bite him but was immobilized. "Tsk. Don't cry. Your time will come soon enough. I've almost got everyone's tracker abilities."

Logan and I catch eyes under the bushes around the area and nod. Silently, thanks to Tracker Academy training, we crawl closer in the shadows of the bushes, unseen.

Another pulse.

Logan grits his teeth and I grab his hand. He squeezes, using the action to hide his pain. What's gone Tici?


"O-oh what's this?" The King yips in joy. Lightning shoots out of his fingers. "Ooo hoo oo! This is fun."

I want to kill him.

"G.O." I mouth to Logan. He nods, going the opposite direction. I take a deep inhale, time to dance with death, part 2, and step out of the bushes.

Jackson's eyes widen. I offer a weak smile, hearing his voice in my head from a memory, when my worst problems were my parents were missing, "—I can see the yearning in your eyes to take back control, to do what is right. You just believe that if you take a step forward, towards power, you will collapse and be sucked into a void with no one to every even look for you, let alone help you."

The ironic thing was that he was right. That was my fear; and here I stood alone before the void. I take a deep inhale, taking a step closer to power. A branch cracks under my foot and the King turns.

A snarl curls over his lips; a sadistic grin, "You are still alive?"

I raise my chin, lying, "You haven't taken my power of flight yet."

The King cocks his head, "Really? You have the power of flight, escape death, and yet came back?"

I nod my head, "Yes. To make a trade."

"A trade..."

"My life for his." I flick my head.

"NO!" Jackson squirms forward only to be zapped to submission. I wince. The King tsks with a laugh, "Your life isn't worth his. Your life isn't worth anything."

"If you don't have him over, I will take him from you."

The King's psychotic red eyes look me up and down, patronizing, "Trying to be a nuisance, are we?"

I could see Adrian and Gabe sneaking up towards Jackson.

I raise my fists up, "You haven't taken all of my powers yet. I will fight until you do!"

The King twirls his staff before ramming it on the ground. His veins bulge as his muscles suddenly double in size. His eyes glow white as a sudden wind fills the air. Scales and fire crawl up his limbs while claws that were as sharp as knives grow outward.

"Breathe. Breathe. Fucking Shit he is terrifying but just breathe!! STAY IN CONTROL!" Tici tries to calm me.

Tici, you breathe!! Geezus. My eyes flicker to Jackson. "—you are afraid to take a step forward, towards power—"

No. . I've changed. Adrian and Gabe were just steps away. They are almost to him!

The King turns to look at where I was staring. I lung for him. No! I roar a battle cry, ramming my fist into his face. He kicks me back into the ground. I slide against the rocks, panting. The King massages his jaw, and points a sickly claw at me. "Oh you are dead, Princess." He shrieks, fire shooting from his palm. FRICK!

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