Chapter 2: Caught

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Updated Chapter 2! Please let me know what you think!

Thanks and enjoy!


All the fighting ceases instantly. A defining thud ends the noise as all weapons where dropped into the sand at the word 'Princess'. I freeze with the rest of the sound. Mom, why did you train them so well?? A twittering of birds is heard from outside the tall castle walls. I hear the clinking of armor near me.

I was caught. Fuck! Fuck! Fuckity Fuck!

I don't think fuckity is a word. An inner voice chides. Shut up! I snap back.

Slowly, while plastering a beaming smile, I turn and look up. "Sir Chancellor! Haha... What are you doing here today? I thought you left with my father..."

Apparently not. A sarcastic voice adds within my head.

Behind me stood a very tall, very blonde, and apparently (as the village ladies say) a very attractive Sir Chancellor, the master of all trainees and our kingdom's military. Then again, my mother and father made him Captain because fighting and weapons where were his dark tracker powers.

His two different colors eyes, yellow and brown, were glinting with humor as he caught my crystal blue and currently gold eye. He crosses his arms, slightly smirking, his armor slightly protruding from his very muscular body, "Your father sent me back saying something like, 'She knows we are gone and will try to escape'... You weren't trying to escape, were you? Otherwise I would have lost the bet."

"Hahaha...! What are you talking about?! Of course not." I smile.

Some of the soldiers snicker and I glare in their general direction. Thankfully, the Dark Trackers were not training with the normal soldiers today. Otherwise my embarrassment would be worse. There was a certain someone that I'm interested in that thankfully isn't here to see my demise.

Chancellor's gaze hoods, the humor still present in his features but not in his eyes. "Princess, you are a very important chess piece in this world... You know you shouldn't be running off."

"You are just angry that Vincent won the bet!" I snap back, crossing my arms in a childish manner.

He looks at me more intensely, like a scolding parent. I sigh in defeat, "It's not like I chose this life Sir Chancellor! Daughter of Death! What a title to be born with!" I sneer, looking away. "Its just not fair that I cannot leave! It's like I'm a delicate flower who is held in a glass vase with guards protecting her 24/7! I can take care of myself!"

"You may not be a 'delicate flower' mi'lady. But you are the miracle child of literally Life and Death. Princess, you are a gift to your parents and once you find out what your tracker powers are, I'm sure a gift to the world."

Once and IF.

"—But until then, these kingdoms are nasty places where dangerous things lurk. The Daughter of the Prince of Death is a priceless treasure."

"Chancellor, I live within a castle that houses the Dark Tracker Academy and the regular tracker academy, probably in total absolute safety, in the Kingdom run by Life and Death themselves. A kingdom where all trackers are welcome and thrive. It is safe here! But I feel totally useless and helpless playing damsel in the walls." I sigh, then mumble, "Plus I'm the only tracker without powers..." Whatever. I snap out of my sadness and exhale, "I am not helpless, and I just want to prove that..."

A silent minutes goes by where one could hear the wind drift by. Chancellor suddenly snaps his fingers. "HOOWSH." I blink to find a blade mere inches from my nose. My breath gets caught in my throat. Chancellor was caught the blade centimetres from my features. "Thank you Rudy." He calls out to the soldier who threw the weapon from somewhere in the ranks. 

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