Chapter 7: Life without them

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My mom? My dad? Vincent, Chancellor, and Erin? All... gone??

I collapse against my windowsill in shock.


My thoughts were a chaotic wave, numbing the world as the castle itself was in a flurry of action.

Shock and panic had overtaken the city. Dark trackers were sent to calm the mobs.

I've never felt more alone.

I was standing in front of crowds of people, numb, blind, alone, every day. Everyone was shoving past, hustling to whatever they needed to do. The broken princess was of no consequence. The thousands of constant voices reminding me how I was alone in a sea of people.

They have to come back. They- they have too!!

My inner voice was silent.

The coronation of the 'broken princess' happened that evening. The event was held in our largest religious building. All the city came to watch and learn the horrible news. Life and Death were gone. Their child... The cursed child that was born with no tracker abilities but blessed into a life of royalty... was suddenly their ruler. The youngest female ruler, the one who was still a child in most of their eyes, was the leader of the most powerful city with the most powerful beings in the seven kingdoms.

I don't remember it. I was numb. Disbelief was still shooting through my veins. I didn't hear a word. I didn't feel anything.

When I finally ended up in my room, alone after the cheerless banquet, that's when the burning hot tears brought the knowledge that my mom and dad were gone.

I was alone. Panic set in. I don't know what to do! People are panicking in the streets, the court is in shambles, and I'm in my room knowing nothing! I don't have a team of advisors and close friends like my mom did to have to run the different sections of the kingdom! I don't even have any powers to be strong enough to be considered and given the power to be leader! No! I am not ready! Why did you leave me?!

As the sun rose, so did I, still numb. The emergency team of 'advisors' was called to order by my nurse maid to help me. She didn't realize that the whole team was made up of the wealthy elite lords or representatives of said rich lords. My kingdom slipped from my fingers.

In hopes to pacify me, the advisors took me around the kingdom to show the changes implemented. The inners of the castle would be run as they are. My protectors would still be the team from across the sea. The soldiers, however, with Chancellor gone, would have a new leader. An experienced man, a cruel man, had taken power for Chancellor. But I said nothing. The trackers, were given free roam. It wasn't right. But I said nothing. Where is my right? I'm sure they know better. I'm just the powerless broken orphan little girl. The advisors know what they are doing... right?

But my companion, my inner voice, whatever it was, was still silent.

I was then driven around. The sad new broken queen, still a princess for she is unmarried, was shown off to everyone. It was the first time I was in city without them, but I didn't even get to talk to my subjects.

The advisors shoved in the cart with me kept me silent as they laughed. They're laughing. Laughing when the king and queen are dead! No. No. I'm the queen now...

I turned from laughing faces in the carriage to the solemn broken faces on the streets, their eyes begging and angry.

I turn away, looking at my hands. They shouldn't have me as a rule. They deserve better. My eyes travel up to see Tracker Jackson's eyes, the guard placed inside the carriage, on my features, unmoving and unreadable.

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