Chapter 30: The Dungeon

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:) Things are getting fun



I awake to the wrong kind of tingles. My eyes flicker open. It was dark. The dungeon was musky and damp. Dirty, cracked, brown stone with, I don't want to know what, black stuff growing on the rocks. The single torch flickers in the cool dungeon breeze. A steady drip from above was hitting me on the head. A rat squeaks by. I was cold, wet, and my fingers were asleep and prickly from lack of blood circulation.

My lips stung. My tongue runs across them to taste the distinct iron of blood. I move and hiss, the gash in my stomach burning, still bleeding slowly. I blink away my fatigue and put weight on my feet. A low groan leaves my lips at the heat and pain of my blood returning to my fingertips. My hands fell asleep for I was hanging by the chains around my wrists. The chains rattle as I try to get blood back up to my hands that were chained above me, but fuck did my gashes hurt.

The prodding, cutting, and the torture of the scientists of the King was almost unbearable and immensely painful. They were searching for something within me or just hoping that I would break. Unluckily for them, whenever I needed a pause, even to just stop them from cutting deeper for just a second, I had my magical time stopping ability. And they never knew it.

Standing in the middle of the dark dungeon cell, alone, made me feel regret for only two things. One: the beautiful rose-gold dress Rinaya got for me that was now a sexy shade of brown with splatters of the red of blood and two: not knowing the time was or how much has passed. I was an extra-special prisoner, so I didn't even get a window. Time for me was the coming and going of the scientists with their knives and tools.

But this was exactly where I wanted to be... or so I hoped.

"Aurora. One of them is coming." Tici growls, being constantly on watch.

I straighten my posture and raise my head, ready to face whichever sneering scientist I was going to get. A glow fills my room and I wince at the sudden light. It was a Prince. The Sun Prince in fact. That was a surprise. A fierce glower was on his face, a fire flickering behind his different shade of blue eyes.

"So, you are the assassin sent to kill me."

I quirk an eyebrow, gritting at the action, "Excuse me?"

He walks up to the bar, sneering, "My father said that you were the prophecy maker. You are the breaker of the sun! You were planning to kill me!"

My mind returns to my prophecy and "breaker of the sun, you must keep fighting until you have won," was a line. But I wasn't planning to kill this damn prince. Though the more he was sneering at me like I was trash, the more I was tempted.

He runs his hand through his glossy hair, worry and shock etching his features, "I can't believe I almost danced with my killer."

I tilt my head. I felt sorry for this Prince, truly. He was so lost, so like a baby, so untouched by reality. Suddenly his very able, very powerful, and very real dark brother fills my head. Our last kiss flickers in my head but I shake him out. No! Jackson betrayed me. It was his plan all along to get me in the clutches of that asshole King!

"You didn't dance with your almost killer," I exhale, pitifully, "I'm not nor was planning to kill you."

The Sun Prince's sad eyes turn fierce again, "Lies! ALL LIES! My brother said you tricked him! Wooed him with your lies! My father says you are a spy from the other side of the sea, planning to kill me and dethrone the King!"

Well, part of that sentence was true. I shake my head, smiling, "Not a spy. Just a Princess."

The Sun Prince scoffs, "You can't be a Princess. The Dark Prince said he followed you out of the Kingdom with the missing rulers. They say the Princess was made Queen but killed a month later!"

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