Chapter 22: Voices

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Apologies for the late update! Yesterday was a bit hectic. In return, here is a slightly longer chapter!



I take a staggering step away as his voice echoes in my head, "You. You. You. You."

"W-what?" I laugh uncomfortably, "N-no. T-that can't be. We-we've never met!"

Jackson's features were dark. He chuckles menacingly, "Really? How do you think I was able to stop you all those times when you tried to escape the castle? How did I know where you were, no matter what secret exit you used?"

"N-no..." I stumble more back, stumbling over a stick. He prowls forward, "I learned about those passages from you. You forgot you showed me."

"No! I-I never... I—I didn't know you!" My pace grows faster.

He smiles sinisterly, his eyes lethal, "You couldn't deal with such a monster."

"NO! I would never! Jackson! Jackson, you must listen! I don't have a memory of you! I would never purposefully ignore you!"

"Who do you think gave you that wolf?"

My heart stops as my eyes widen. No.

Jackson was silent, allowing the information to soak in. His eyes were predatory. The wordless message clear. Run.

I don't hesitate. I flip scrambling as fast as I can back to camp. My heart was racing. A ringing filled my ears. The wind whipped across my face painful. Adrenaline filled my bloodstream. My breath was hard and fast. I burst through the clearing into our campsite. Instantly the boys jump onto their feet at my rush.

I yelp as I trip over a rock, falling onto the floor. "Rora!" I hear Jules cry out. I hiss in pain. I turn onto my back to see Jackson already at my feet, looming over. Logan and Adrian were holding Jules back. Gabe was still in the same spot.

My eyes were filled with pity and rage. I knew he wouldn't hurt me. That was the power I wielded over this 'monster.'

"So how does it feel, knowing you ran away from home with a monster?" He poisons the words.

I growl, wincing at my stinging scrapped knees as I push myself to my feet. I grimace as one of my knees give out but remain standing, looking this monster in his eyes. Anger filled my own, I snarl. "You are no monster." I raise my head.

His fingers twitch. "I am Ro. And you were terrified of me." His voice was low, gruff. The sound heating a fire in my blood. He takes a threatening step closer, raising his hand. I barely blink, not backing down, "If you really are the monster that you so want to be, hit me." My eyes flash in challenge. "Show me your lack of care. Your desire for my blood! Show me that anger you possessed when we met again! Forget about your promises and HIT ME!" I shout, coming face to face, in perfect range of his raised hand. "Do it and be your monster." I promise, my eyes dark.

The intense silence was filled with tension. "Or..." My voice softens, "you can believe me that I have no memory of you. And if you don't believe me, believe Gabe who can read my lies."

Jackson pauses his eyes unmoving from my own before sending a sideways look at Gabe. "S-she isn't lying, boss."

I take his raised hand gently. He jumps from the contact. I grip it and lower it, softly. My voice was a mere whisper, "Jackson, I would never have forgotten you."

He suddenly winces, his hand squeezing mine in pain. He clutches his head, gritting his teeth against pain.

I then realize what this strange, un-character-like show of extreme emotion was, "GABE! STOP! You are hurting him"

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